IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2023
Dear Full Club Members of ipernity,

The IGA 2023 will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 6pm CET.
Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================

We encourage all full club members to attend.

▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure. The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require an email to ima.office@gmx.at indicating your intention to attend. You must sign up by March 20, 2023 in order to attend. Please add Team to your contact list so we can send you an invitation to the group where the general meeting is conducted.


This year we have 4 mandates up for election:
President, Vice President, Webmaster and Moderator.

In addition, we need someone to be our second Auditor.

Normally the Vice President mandate would be up for election next year, but our Vice President has had to step down from the position before their term was up, and so we need to fill this mandate for a 1 year term. Auditors are always elected for 1 year terms.

The President is the the official representative of the Association vis-à-vis authorities, banks and business partners. The president is fully authorised to sign for the fulfilment of presidential tasks and receives full access to the ipernity database (via admin tool). The President defines the strategy for ipernity along with the entire Board and advisors, and is the highest authority in settling internal conflicts.

The Webmaster coordinates all technical measures required to maintain the operational performance of the Association’s website. This requires full access to the ipernity database (via admin tool) and unrestricted access to the AWS console. Basic knowledge and skills in HTML, PHP, CSS, mySQL and Javascript are useful for the timely resolution of simple faults. Additional IT knowledge and skills are desirable.

The Moderator coordinates all internal matters of the Board and is responsible for the timely handling of membership matters (help tickets, removing spam, welcoming new members, etc). The moderator prepares agendas, draft resolutions, and takes minutes for all board meetings and the annual IGA. The moderator maintains, distributes and archives the association's records.

The Vice-President is responsible for public relations and promotional activities helping to ensure that our community has a sufficient influx of new club members. Knowledge and experience with social media would be useful. This position has a lot of flexibility and is fully supported by the rest of the ima board members.

An Auditor is responsible for certifying the annual financial report compiled by the Treasurer prior to an Ipernity General Assembly.


We invite loyal and active club members who have been part of our community for at least a year and who care about the future of ipernity and who are over 21 years of age to come forward to stand for election for a mandate position. The deadline for application is March 10, 2023. Take this opportunity to shape ipernity's future.

If you have an item you want considered for the IGA agenda, please contact the board by March 11, 2023.

Contact the board now with any questions and to request to stand for election.
Note: There will be a new voting method this year. Instructions will be given out in the next Club News on March 3, 2023.


J. Gafarot said:

Thank you.
It was clear and comprehensive.
Wish you one peaceful Sunday.
2 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

2 years ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

Gelezen !
2 years ago ( translate )

LutzP said:

It may not be a good idea, that President and Vice President are due for election at the same time, IMHO it also contradicts the IMA Statutes (Article VII, Section 4).
2 years ago

raingirl replied to LutzP:

We are only filling the Vice President position at the same time as President due to the mandate becoming vacant mid-term.
2 years ago

Bergfex replied to LutzP:

Schön ist es natürlich nicht, aber aufgrund des Rücktritts von Ben Mesander wohl kaum anders machbar. Die Satzung ist dabei das kleinere Problem. (VII, 3: "Pour assurer la continuité de l'activité du Conseil d'Administration et la préservation de l'expertise, les mandats des membres du Conseil d'Administration devraient se chevaucher autant que possible.")

Ich übersetze das mit: " . . .sollten sich die Mandate der Vorstandsmitglieder so weit wie möglich überlappen." Dies erlaubt m.E. Abweichungen von der Regel in Notfällen.
2 years ago ( translate )

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Bien lu, merci beaucoup.
Bonne fin de semaine à tous.
2 years ago ( translate )

HelenaPF said:

J'ai tout lu merci!
Joyeux week-end à tous.
2 years ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Thank you.
2 years ago

aNNa schramm said:

ich wünsche Glück
2 years ago ( translate )

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:

Bitte gebt mir nach eurer Anmeldung per eMail ein bis zwei Tage Zeit, bevor ihr nachfragt, warum eure Anmeldung noch immer nicht bearbeitet wurde, danke. ;-)
2 years ago ( translate )

José Manuel Polo said:

Si, La AGI 2023 tendrá lugar el sábado 25 de marzo de 2023 a las 18.00 h CET., no entiendo como algunos europeos han adelantado comentarios 23 horas. Gracias. Yo he abierto a las 18.00h en punto.
2 years ago ( translate )

José Manuel Polo said:

Había entendido que se hiciera click en la barra superior en azul el 24 de febrero de 2023 a las 18 h. CET. Si se podía hacerlo antes, pido disculpas.
2 years ago ( translate )

Rob Stamp said:

Hi Jose

I am sorry, it would have been better as, "(click here to read more)"
And to clarify, the IGA is in March, not today.
2 years ago

José Manuel Polo replied to Rob Stamp:

Después de mi comentario advertí que la IGA es en marzo.
Gracias Rob.
2 years ago ( translate )