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Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) Summertime is here, and the pictures on our homepage have been updated to the Summer Collection 2022. Many thanks to the club members who have contributed to this collection.
2) The pictures can also be viewed as a YouTube Slide Show. Please give a Like to this slide show if you enjoy it. This will help to increase ipernity's relevance on YouTube. We thank Bernhard (Bergfex) for compiling this beautiful slide show.
3) You can find more information about our homepage in the new article The Ipernity Homepage. Have you always wanted to have one of your photos included on our homepage which visitors to our website see first? (Members find it by logging out.) In the article you will find hints on how to contribute to this slideshow.
4) The ima team would like to thank the previous advisors, whose terms of appointment ended at this year's General Assembly in March, for their helpful advice and support. In compliance with the Statutes VII a, section 1, the ima team appoints the following club members to the new advisory council:
- Bernhard Westrup
- Eric Desjours
- Guido Werner
- Isabel Queiroz Marcellot
- Markus Fritsch
- Pam Johnson
- Sara Shrives
5) The publication of the Club News will be monthly over the summer season. The publication dates will be July 1, August 5 and September 2. In the case of extraordinary events, we will of course inform you immediately.
Your ima team
Dominique 60 said:
Isabelle Barruhet said:
Fred Fouarge said:
Jocelyne Villoing said:
@ngélique ❤️ said:
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Eric Desjours said:
Merci aux conseillers sortants et aux entrants, et à toute l'équipe, bref, à toute la communauté qui continue de se mobiliser et de se motiver mutuellement dans cette impensable aventure !
Grand merci et bravo aux contributeurs de la collection estivale.
William Sutherland replied to Eric Desjours:
Patrick Brandy said:
StoneRoad2013 said:
I am hoping that everyone has the best summer holidays - looking forward to seeing the photographs.
Thank you, for the re-appointment as an advisor and thus being a small part of team IMA.
Annaig56 said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Merci aussi a tous les contributeurs pour cette
magnifique contribution,sans oublier Bernhard (Bergfex)
pour cette remarquable compilation de ce superbe panorama-
Bonnes vacances a tous-
Bergfex said:
30 percent more clicks, 37 percent longer playback time (related to the normal level).
That's great. Thank you all!
Bergfex replied to Bergfex:
(Cut out of a screenshot, taken on June 5, 2022.)
You may check it by yourself via this link:
(The results may differ because YouTube takes your search history into account.)
Robert Swanson said: