(Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)

Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) Hamburg meetup.
Last week, between Thursday and Sunday, about 30 ipernity members from Germany, Austria and Switzerland (and maybe other countries?) met in Hamburg (Germany) for the traditional annual "ipernity-Hamburg-Meetup" that was revived after a two-year pause due to COVID-19. These meetings have taken place each year in Hamburg since 2012 and have always included a fairly extensive photo tour prepared beforehand by three Hamburg ipernity members. The photographic results of these meetings are shown in the following months in each case in particular in the Hamburg group and in a group for the participants of the respective meeting (in which the respective advance communication also took place). They will also be added to thematic groups matching the respective motifs, in which photos from Hamburg (and this year the neighboring city of Stade visited by some on Sunday) will be displayed.
To add life to the ipernity club we would like to suggest that you network more with each other in your respective cities and maybe even go on a little photo tour together. To achieve this we suggest the administrators of city-based groups use the new group-ipermail-function. This function can be accessed via the administrative group management and then below "Members and invitations --> Message". Presumably, a large part of the members of a city group live within the featured city, stay there regularly or are interested in the respective city for other reasons. It would be great to take for members to take group pictures in these cities. Group discussions are also a good way to coordinate dates (perhaps with concrete suggestions for locations, what should be photographed?) - or you can use specialized providers such as doodle.com etc. to coordinate dates together.
2) Website updates.
The ipernity team has been hard at work enhancing our website. Some recent changes include:
● Album descriptions again have the translate option, that had been removed.
● A bug in the translation of an article that excluded the introduction section has been corrected.
● A user's "More information" page now has the translate option.
● Ipermails now have the translate option on all messages, not only the most recent one of a sequence.
● Titles of the following now have the translate option: Album, Article, Discussion, and Subject of ipermail.
● The main photo page also gains the translate option for the title, although unlike that for the above, it only appears above the title with mouse-over the title.
● Also above the title there is now an icon that indicates when the photo has a Picture-in-Picture (PiP) or Note.
● On the right under the "Date taken" there is a new row with the counts for faves, comment, visits.
Translate does not appear on your own content. It is not active for Guests.
3) In memorial.
Unfortunately, we have recently learned of the passing of an ipernity member beloved by the community, Marie-Claire Gallet. We are grateful for having had the opportunity to enjoy her artistry.
Your ima team
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Rob Stamp said:
menonfire said:
Mein herzliches Beileid den Hinterbliebenen und in Erinnerung an Marie-Claire Gallet
uwschu said:
Wäre schön, wenn wir auf lange Sicht eine Möglichkeit finden, unseren verstorbenen Mitgliedern eine kleine Gedenkstätte einzurichten, wo man sich nochmal an sie erinnern kann und sie nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Vielleicht kann man die Ansicht von Galerie-Neu-Sehenswert um eine Spalte in dieser Richtung erweitern.
Tanja hatte in ihrem Artikel auch angeregt, da was zu ändern, ich verlinke ihn hier nochmal.
Heidiho replied to uwschu:
Tanja - Loughcrew replied to uwschu:
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to uwschu:
Wobei die Schwierigkeit oftmals auch sein wird, dass wir vom Tod eines Clubmitglieds auch zunächst einmal erfahren müssen, was naturgemäß mitunter schwierig ist.
Walter 7.8.1956 said:
Besonders allen Administratoren für ihre Arbeit an Impernity!!
An dieser Stelle auch mein Beileid für die Verstorbene!
Heidiho said:
Tanja - Loughcrew said:
Vielleicht können wir mal bei Gelegenheit darüber reden, ob und wie man das tun kann und ob solche Informationen weiterhin hier geteilt werden können!
cp_u said:
LutzP said:
Jean-luc Drouin said:
@ngélique ❤️ said:
uwschu replied to :
Mein Idee wäre auf der Entdecken-Seite vielleicht eine Möglichkeit zu finden, an sie zu erinnern. Du kennst ja durch die HH- Treffen ja nun auch einige von uns, das ist irgendwie auch Familie geworden. Das ist durch das ganze Land vernetzt, weit über die Grenzen allein bei diesem Treffen.