Canon in D Chinese Hammered Dulcimer
Johann Pachelbel baptised September 1, 1653 – buried March 9, 1706


Stormlizard said:

I agree Sue, but none the less wonderful for that.
11 years ago

Stormlizard said:

Glad you enjoyed it Pam. Thanks you are welcome.
11 years ago

Mickey fez said:

brilliant piece John
11 years ago ( translate )

Stormlizard replied to Mickey fez:

Glad you enjoyed it Mickey.
Thank you.
11 years ago

Stormlizard said:

Great Max, you are welcome.
11 years ago

Stormlizard said:

You're most welcome Pam.
Thanks for commenting.
9 years ago

Stormlizard said:

You are more than welcome, I learned of this version from a Chinese lady Busker I met at the 14th International Friendship Festival in Himeji, Japan.
She was playing Western classical pieces on a Traditional 2 string Erhu, or Chinese violin as it is also known, an instrument used both solo and in groups. I knew of Hammered dulcimers from Thailand, but had never heard or seen a Chinese one before seeing this.
9 years ago