His name is John Lambert aka Chequerboard. He supported Jóhann Jóhannsson in Dublin on July 18th as part of that weekend's annual Analog Music Festival. He quietly came out & sat down without any fanfare or introductions & just started weaving these wonderful melodies with his acoustic guitar & comp…
16 years ago / 2 174 visits
"Unexpected til we came & saw it Unbelievable as soon as seen Hit the mark despite not aiming for it Is'nt that how things have always been?" -Bertolt Brecht It has literally happened to me just four times so far. Four moments where everything just came together - the lighting, the moment,…
17 years ago / 1 529 visits
" Photography is an instantaneous operation, both sensory and intellectual, an expression of the world in visual terms, and also a perpetual quest and interrogation. It is one and the same time the recognition of fact in a fraction of a second and the rigorous arrangement of the forms visually perci…
17 years ago / 1 018 visits
www.flickr.com/people/snappydessy/ The wheat AND the chaffe... Here, I hope that quality wins out over quantity, unlike back at flickr. I'd appreciate any constructive criticism (or just plain good old unconstructive criticism) from my friends here to hold me to that too...
17 years ago / 917 visits
I'm a flickr Philistine. Joe Strahlen is my link to ipernity. I was a fan of his on flickr, where he is known as flickrjob. Now I've followed his example & signed up here. Looks very interesting. A bit posher than flickr, a bit more mature, & for the more discerning image admirer maybe. Well, these…
17 years ago / 879 visits