Stargazers are part-time weather-(wo)men
It is not enough to understand astronomy -- I can't think of any other photography subject so depended on good weather. Guess why astronomers wish each others "Clear skies". To avoid unnecessary trips only to find the sky cloudy, it is useful to learn how to read various weather reports & maps. And if you are lucky, you may even find a suitable weather webcam nearby.

Without the proverbial "Clear Skies", you can't see the stars above. For wide-angle & landscape shots, terrestrial clouds can add interesting texture, for narrow shots, even a small patch of clouds can block the entire view for a long time.

While I'm not a trained meteorologist, but after living in the same place for more than two years, I recognize the weather patterns. And I'm sure, you too have similar experience. In addition, I use mostly just two websites with frequent updates from local weather stations, doppler radar & satellite images (careful, those can be 60...180min old). These sites help me to spot rain & clouds even as they are one or two hours away. To confirm my weather map observations, I use a few webcams, preferably close to my observation site, again to check for rain or clouds before I leave.

In preparation for a (planned) shot, I roughly follow these steps :
Especially by looking at the satellite images and wind patterns, I can see cloud banks off the coast and can somewhat judge if the risk of driving & getting fogged in is worth the possible reward.

Besides the obvious coastal fog & clouds, other factors impact the quality of the observation :
Speaking of the atmosphere, I suggest you closely look at a setting moon :

When you use binoculars or large magnification camera-lens (or a simulation in Stellarium) you will notice the moon's shape changes. It is not round anymore when it sets. The air refracts light and the airmasses' thickness increases closer to the horizon. That's why the air doesn't act like a clear piece of window glass. Instead it distorts everything like a bad prescription lens.
More about the effect or Air Mass : /stargazer95050/21434571


Many of these factors can be reduced by picking the right location for your observation. High altitude helps. Get away from cities with their light- & air-pollution. Or at least, stand upwind from the pollution and hide behind some hills blocking the lights.

One such prime location is the Atakama desert high in the Andes mountains, with its extremely dry air all year round and hundreds of miles from a metropolis. Mt. Kilauea on Hawaii has similar but not as good advantages. However, it is much easier to reach. If you can afford it, put your telescope into space and avoid the hassle of atmosphere all together :-))

© Copyright 2013, All rights reserved -- post a link to this page or contact me, if you want to use it in your blog or publication or if you want a (large) print


CircadianReflections said:

So true! I've got so many weather and sky related sites bookmarked to monitor the clarity of the sky when planning a shoot.
11 years ago

Stargazer95050 said:

I've inserted the second paragraph -- for most of the time, even for locations outside the Bay Area, I only use 2 websites -- CALSKY & WUNDERGROUND. In rare cases when I'm in a motel, I try to find a local TV station's weather page & listen to their news. That Wunder-ground map can show available webcams.
11 years ago