I have decided to make my photographs available for sale, both framed and unframed.
Just log on to Imagekind. Click on the logo.
Before presenting my profile, I would like to publicly express my disappointment with some image/video sharing on line communities and the policies on censorship they uphold. Yes, there is some nudity in my work, but nudity had been a part of art since the very beginnings of human existence. For those who don’t know this, nude drawing and painting has been a part of early art schooling curriculum even in the most conservative societies. Flickr's new policy made me change many of my images to "moderate" and "restricted" in order to reappear in the public searches. Also, now none of my images are marked "private". So in order to see them you have to set your parameters. You won't be able to see them otherwise. This is how to do it: 1) on the left top menu, under the drop down menu of "You" there's a "Your account" option. 2) choose that then go to "Privacy and Permissions" 3) on the bottom of the page, under "content filter" press "edit" 4) choose "safe search off" and choose both non-photographic images" and "screenshot" 5) save your changes That way you are in control and will be receiving all of flickr content and not just what they think you should be getting. For bonus points: Copy and paste these instructions and send them to all the people on flickr that you know. You can also post it in groups. Although I have no pornography, for legal reasons you must be over 18 to see the nudity in the restricted content of my stream. Sorry.
And now my profile…
I've been earning my living doing graphic design with my wife and partner Mary Bogdan. We own Crayon Design & Communication, a design firm in Montreal. We have both been artists for as long as we can remember. Photography has been my medium and I've used it for self expression as well as professionally in my commercial work as a communications tool. My personal photography site is at sollang.com and our graphic design firm's site is crayondesign.net. My wife's profound artistic expressions can be viewed at marybogdan.com. I hope you will enjoy browsing through my work. Here is a link to My Blog. You can also see some of my work at the world famous (on-line) Saatchi Gallery in London, UK. **************************************************************************************************************************** Finally after so many months my book is published and ready to ship. I am presenting it here first, to all my Flickr friends. This is where I received the most views and support. It is a ninety-eight pages book of my photographs with supporting texts about my views and feelings about these images and my general philosophy about my art. The photography as well as this book are a labor of love. I will continue to produce more of them, as they are what keeps me happy and sane. This is my first book, which is a retrospective of work I created in the last eight years. Although some of the photographs go back further in time, they are included because thematically they fit in well. Some of these have been on exhibit, but many have never been seen before in public. It is a self-published book on Lulu.com, beautifully designed by Mary Bogdan of Crayon Design & Communication and published by HeuteKunst, our publishing company, which we created for the purpose of publishing art books for a non-elitist art community. If you have any questions about this book or anything else mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact me. If by some remote possibility you want to own a copy here is a link to follow. I have also published a calendar with images of one of my models which can be purchased on line. Follow the link at the bottom.
Buy my calendar