For Someone's Benefit....for the whole www to view :-D

It was recently brought to my attention that I as a "lovely young lady"

perhaps shouldn't be posting "all of my happenings for the whole www to view"...he wished to know what would "drive" me to do such a thing?

Hmmmm well I answered him:

Subject :
Re: It may be dumb for U No Who 2 ask



Okay first off IMO...there are no dumb questions...ANY question means the person asking is seeking information...knowledge...hence no dumb questions.

However I'm not at all sure there is an answer for you. Nothing drives me.
*Most* of the people I am posting the *blurbs* or blogs for are people I've known a long time...we have the same sense of humor etc.

Now yes I realize MANY others will/may read my *blurbs*/blogs SO...the only answer I have for you is...I don't give a flying fuck who reads them or I wouldn't post them publicly...would send private emails etc. The audience they are intended for DO read them...that is my only goal. If you (and I'm not saying you are) or anyone else is offended by what you see in my pics or what you read...then stay the fuck off my stream and stop reading my blogs. Interesting that you were induced to sign up here, and even MORE interesting for reasons unknown. You've been here since July 3rd and no docs or blurb/blogs...but a few very beautiful women as contacts. Seems perhaps you should pose a similar question to yourself...what drives you to even be on Ipernity? Next time you are driving through Evansville, via Switzerland stop and let me know. We could chat over coffee and maybe answer these questions.

best wishes,



Okay...notice the word *blurb* that is what he referred to as my blogs...

I should also explain that the Evansville reference is because he drives through Evansville to St. Louis on business...Oh yes forgot he also told me of all his many homes scatttered about the world...but his profile says Switzerland...hence my reference to that...

now after two more iper mails from L. in the last one he let me know he had finally posted some docs..."for my benefit" with "food for thought"...well the pics were quite nice actually...as was the "food for thought"...talking about sending loving thoughts...that meet up with other loving thoughts...really very...well... loving. And I told him just that..."I love this"... now why *I* needed this as "food for thought" well that just escapes me...

A very dear friend of mine suggested that perhaps" he just wants to fuck you" ...hmmm well now L. that is a wholly different kind of love than the love I gleaned from your posts.... now isn't it???

Well if that is the case...sorry L. there is only one man on this planet that would be able to achieve that kind of access from this "lovely young lady"...and it sure as shit ain't you.

But any other kind of "love thoughts" or "love ethers" (I think that is what you called them)...or "love energy"... I will gladly accept with open arms...because I too send love energy out...In fact I live to do that...sending you some right now.

As you told me you wouldn't be "looking over my shoulder" then you may not see this *blurb*...so I will just send stronger loving thoughts your way.

And once again ( as you wished me)

Best Wishes,



Sherry ~ Rebujito replied to :

:D yep Monica there are...as you've just experienced as well.
even *loving* ones :-PPP...thanks for stopping by !
17 years ago

Sherry ~ Rebujito replied to :

Ahhhh Nigel thank you!!! :))))) WAIT you're NOT an international jet setting millionaire playboy?!?!?!? LOL LOL LOL no Nigel you are you...thank God!!!
I'm so lucky to be able to call you friend!!!
17 years ago

Sherry ~ Rebujito said:

Thank you my bud!!! Like I explained to him....it is for you...and all my friends here I post! If someone doesn't like it....LEAVE! LOL LOL LOL
Thanks again Julian!
17 years ago

Sherry ~ Rebujito replied to :

Thank you for wanting to protect me Roger! SO sweet and very much appreciated...but I'm okay...he is NOT a contact...just *claims* he found me because of the *Evansville* reference. I posted it publicly because I knew that would piss him off most! LOL LOL LOL But thanks again dear friend...good to know you got my back Grumpy! It is for you and all my friends here I post not some dickweed that judges people...so for YOU and all my friends here no worries...I ain't changin for NObody! :-DDDD
17 years ago

Sherry ~ Rebujito replied to :

I LOVE living with it Grumpy! Many many thanks from Snickers :-DDDDD
17 years ago

Sherry ~ Rebujito replied to :

HEE HEE EXACTLY thank you Jody!!!!
17 years ago