23 random things about me...

Tagged by the beautiful MacKey :-)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 23 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 6 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I cuss a lot, but not in front of kids cept my own :-D

2. I'm a chocoholic

3. I love to dance.

4. my daughter says I'm conceited, but I prefer to say I'm confident

5. I abhore censorship in any way, shape, or form

6. Most people think I'm Jewish, which is okay by me, but I'm not :-D

7. I'm a gifted actress (see right there my daughter would say I'm conceited ;-) )

8. Being a mom is more important to me than anything else in my life

9. I've had a gun shoved in my face and told " Don't fuckin move,I'll fuckin blow your head off, I don't fuckin care"

10. and yet I still believe most people are good and loving

11. Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth for me :-)

12. I'm fanatically loyal

13. I LOVE giving gifts to the people I love...it truly is more fun than receiving

14. most of the clothes I own are second hand and/or things my daughter doesn't wear anymore.

15. I love lighthouses

16. I would give *almost* anything to be able to retain german/deutsch

17. I wish I had a transporter

18. My biggest dream come true would/will be when all my children and myself (and ina and the babies) are ALL together in the same place!!! I don't care where...just ALL TOGETHER

19. I believe in miracles

20. I work 7 days a week

21. I hate apathy

22. I miss my mom and dad

23. I'm really annoyed at the writing of the current book I'm reading, but it's interesting at times.


Sherry ~ Rebujito replied to :

awwwwwwwwww thank you sweetie! I'm so touched by your words here :'-)
I'm speechless (shhhhhh Sascha! ;-) he will say "when have YOU ever been speechless ma?" :-D)
in any case thank you again dear you are a wonder! :-) :-*
15 years ago

Sherry ~ Rebujito said:

hey G???? I swear there was a comment here from you? and it's gone :-////
well my reply is THANK you :-*
are those pepitos? ;-)
Shana Tova!
15 years ago

Sherry ~ Rebujito replied to :

Thank you dear friend you always say the sweetest things!!!

and LOL LOL LOL was that edit because you added the (NOT!) :-D ?????
well then PERFECT!!!
15 years ago