Jobless after graduation

After six years study in architecture, soon, I will be graduate, and yet, today, I've got my first rejection from an architecture firm, which I have sent a job application last week.

The first rejection, also the first application......

Anyway, I am not giving it up, I need to be strong and keep going, I believe, if we work hard enough, we will get what we want...

Wish me luck, for the future job hunting.... :)


Shen said:

I have been working as an architect in HK for almost 5 years now, look back to this post, a train of thoughts coming but hard to comb out what's the best and what's the worst.

I did give up in UK, started a new life in HK, life has then dramatically changed, still wanna thank the kind people who gave me support and courage, life has to go on, and its beautiful, thank you.
9 years ago

Mila said:

Good luck and don't give up!
15 years ago

Shen said:

Thank you Mila :)
15 years ago ( translate )

Shen said:

Cheers guys :)

I know it may take a long time to find the right job, and now I think the right move is to keep trying. I don't mind working in another country, as long as it is the right one. I have got an offer already few days earlier, but I need to think about it, since it does not feel quite right yet.

Thanks for all the kind and encouraging words, I will keep working harder :)
15 years ago