up to 55 " »+ x " shortcuts in small (~45pxl) taskbar toolbar

Possible characters (shift) a-z 0-9 and the special character keys ".-, ß + < ´ " (not [ALTgr] + [ALT] )

►Drag and drop folders, files, favorites and shortcuts right or left to the Desktop Icon.
►change the 1st character or add an unique character if " » + [x]" doesnt work

notes:• this toolbar tecnique is the fastest way to open subfolders i.e. » + t
The "quick launch" requiers more space, the width from 3 symbols . shown a folder with one starting character

You can arrange more toolbars • widescreens • autohide toolbars left screen edge

[START] replacement google.com/search?q=start+killer

technique for ~30 paths with [START] + X

german site █════██████████─────.shortcutblog.de/taskbar-toolbar