Album download with DownThemAll works only with SeaMonkey
UPDATED on 25.9.2020

It looks like DownThemAll developers have been busy to get it running with FireFox (Mozilla) again. However, the Metalink format used here on ipernity is not supported! This is why one still have to either 1) use other methods, 2) use SeaMonkey and an older version of DownThemAll, as instructed below, or 3) wait until one fine day we get the whole ipernity reprogrammed.

If the following old versions of Seamonkey and DownThemAll compo is not an option for you, then see if for example uGet instructed on ipernity FAQ 6.2 works for you.

If you wish, try to use SeaMonkey 2.49.4 or earlier to be sure it works with older version of DownThemAll:


Then install DownThemAll 3.0.7 available on developers web site:


  1. Once, the DownThemAll is installed:
  2. go to your albums section > Open an album > Click on Tool > Download entire album.
  3. click on "Retrieve the download file".
  4. on opening window choose "dTa! Oneclick" and click "Start". If the option is not available, choose "DownThemAll" and click "Start".
  5. On next window choose the destination folder on your computer, and then click "Start".
  6. After the download, check through results in case some files got corrupted.

Remember, you still have to have a paid ipernity account in order to gain access for options to download images and albums at ipernity via Metalink.

Some of the image files may get corrupted (not downloaded completely). It is strongly recommended to check through the downloaded images. If images are not complete or missing, then try again.

Using SeaMonkey as an everyday browser can be risky, and even restricted depending on your computer's security settings. You may have to separately allow installing it. However, the recommended sources should be well respected, known and safe enough. It is strongly advisable to use SeaMonkey only for this purpose. Using Seamonkey and especially it's older versions for daily browsing can endanger your computer.

Moreover, on SeaMonkey you may wish to go to about:config (on URL field) and set app.update.auto to false in order to avoid possible browser updates, which may conflict with the recommended older version of DownThemAll.

This combination only works on laptops and desktop computers, and most likely not on any tablets or mobile phones.


Stormlizard said:

Useful information Sami for those that don't use other methods.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Stormlizard:

Thank you, John. I hope it also turns out that way in practice.
5 years ago

╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

Thanks Sami, I till try that later. I always used down then all on my Firefox, but it hasn't worked for a couple of years now.
5 years ago

Smiley Derleth said:

I use a Mac, not a Windows computer, and I had excellent luck getting Down Them All to work with Seamonkey. Seamonkey is a new browser to me, one I had never heard of before. But with it, Down Them All performed exactly as it had with Firefox in 2016-17. I will keep Seamonkey on my computer as a tool, for use with Down Them All only, and do everything else with Firefox or Chrome as before.

Note: As Sami says, I did have to go into my Mac preferences, Security and Privacy> General, and tell my computer to ignore security settings to allow Seamonkey to install. It turned out to be a one button, one click operation, nothing hard at all.

This has proven to be a very valuable advice/technical help here, so thank you to Sami and Guido Werner for digging up the compatibility between Seamonkey and Down Them All.
5 years ago

Smiley Derleth said:

A note of caution if you are using Down Them All. I am discovering, in scrolling through my downloads, that some files have been corrupted, probably by the process, and would need to be downloaded over again, to obtain a clean copy.

See this example in my stream: www.ipernity.com/doc/smiley_derleth/48584020

The left hand half is the original image and the right hand half is the broken file as it was discovered in the Down Them All download. The vast majority make it through fine, but you may wish to check them out after downloading.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Smiley Derleth:

Thanks for the warning. I will add that to the article tomorrow.
5 years ago

©UdoSm said:

The download of a software, which is accompanied with so many warnings and risks, would be against all reason. I expect IP to provide a safe and simple solution...
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to ©UdoSm:

If you think so, then I recommend you asking help from Guido Werner:


He can for example help you through the Aria2 instructions in German:


What comes to safety of SeaMonkey, it is safe as long as you use it as suggested on my article. So, use it only to download your ipernity albums, and there is no problem.

My point is that it is not a good idea to start using SeaMonkey for daily browsing.

And after you have downloaded what you have need to download, then you can delete SeaMonkey from your computer.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

Everyone, as you see DownThemAll should work again with Firefox, and even with Opera. I will test the latest releases of DownThemAll with Firefox and Opera as soon as possible, and report my experiences here.

Unfortunately it did not work =(

Their new versions does not support required Metalink format used here on ipernity. Why the Metalink became used is probably because it is/was the only way to give access to large versions of images. So, in order to get this solved once and for all, we need money and reprogramming.

Blog article updated accordingly. But I personally still recommended trying the SeaMonkey and older version of DownThemAll.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

However, we can try to influence on those third party developers that we are currently so dependent on. By giving feedback to developers of Firefox and DownThemAll, and even donating them and our own ipernity, you may get easier and more reliable download solutions sooner than later ;-)
5 years ago

Bergfex said:

Danke für Dein Engagement, Sami!
5 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Bergfex:

Bitte schön, Bernhard =)
5 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

And for those who get alarmed by the warnings I added, please spend some time to do your own research ;-)


5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

I decided to remove the word "Warning". It was exaggerating. Please use your own common sense to decide what and how to behave online. Somewhat everything can be risky or safe, depending on what you do.

So, once again: IF you use old versions of SeaMonkey and DownThemAll only to download your ipernity folders, then the risk is very minimal.

And once you have the job done, you can uninstall them both.

If this is still not a satisfying solution, then think of this. If you start downloading your images one by one, and for example download then images per day, you probably get all downloaded within few months. Besides that way is actually better because very likely there is no need to download every single one.
4 years ago

raingirl said:

One member had trouble using uGet with the METALINK to download their albums (the method described in FAQ here: www.ipernity.com/doc/2319670/48296484)

They found JDownloader and used their JDownloaderSetup.exe (an opensource free download management tool) to successfully download their albums with METALINK.

Just another possible option for those having issues.
3 years ago