Putting RSS feeds into use
I am an administrator only on very few groups, but I still sometimes wish to have a tool that gives me a clear notice when a new comment becomes posted on some of the group discussions.

The News > Your groups is not good in my opinion, because I still have to remember visit that page in order to stay up to date.

So, I figured out I give a try to RSS feeds provided here at ipernity. Here's a short introduction and an example on how to use them.

Install RSS feed reader extension

There are many RSS feed readers, but only few that really works. I am currently testing Feedbro, which should be available for number of browsers.

Once you have added it onto your browser, you need to set up some rules:
  1. Click Feedbro icon on toolbar and "Open Feed Reader"
  2. Select "Rules"
  3. Click "Add Rule"
  4. "Add Action(s)" like "Desktop notification" and/or "Play sound"

If you choose sound, you may get scared at first time, if the sound is set for very loud.

On the main Feedbro user interface you can also access the overal settings and other useful stuff. For example from clockwheel icon on top tool bar you can reset the checking interwalls. It is strongly adviced not to make the RSS readers to check updates too often. Every 30 minutes or two hours is usually enough.

Choose RSS feed to follow

Choose wisely! Not all feeds work, and there are several reasons why they don't. First of all the "source" has to be public and accessible. The RSS feeder can't get into private groups for example. Another limitation is that if the discussions are somehow limited by group administrator(s), then the RSS reader most like give an error.

As an example I give you one specific discussion that works: Lounge / Salon / Aufenthaltsraum discussion thread at Ipernity General Assembly 2020 group. If you add only that discussion to feed reader, it then works. But if you try to add feed from the group front page, you get error because most of the discussions there are closed and option to add new discussions is also restricted on that group.

However, on number of groups the discussion index is the best place to work with. Another example is Ipernity User Help Central group discussion index.

So, what you do is this:
  1. Go to the discussion you wish to get notified on, e.g. page: https://www.ipernity.com/group/userhelpcentral/discuss
  2. Click Feedbro extension/addon icon on the browser toolbar
  3. Select "Find Feeds in Current Tab"
  4. Choose one that says "RSS" in the text box, make sure it is selected, and rename it (e.g. name of the group)
  5. Click "Subsrcibe"

Now you should get updates notified on RSS Feed Reader available on you browser's tool bar (browser window top right corner).

When you subscribe to some feed for the first time, you will get all posts appear as new. You need to mark all of them as read on Feedbro dashboard.

I especially find RSS feed reader as a good way to get notified when something new appears on group discussions that are important for me to follow. Better than other ways, I think. When using Chrome, I also get that feature up and running on all of my computers at once.


Unfortunately one can not get feed on groups that are private or where the resources are restricted to group members only. For example one can not follow RSS feed for The Sunday Challenge group discussions, even if one is a member at that group. RSS readers see such groups as outsider, and can't access restricted contents.

How to remove feeds

If you get a broken feed or wish to stop following some of them:

  1. Click Feedbro on browser tool bar
  2. Choose "Open Feed Reader"
  3. Right click on feed you wish to remove and choose "Delete"


Frank J Casella said:

Thanks for this Sami. You can also use the feed links from the albums and blogs. On my Artist Website blog a surprising number of people follow it by RSS. In fact, on WordPress.com they offer both RSS and email subscription tool, and I've been trying to think of moving my WP blog content here on ipernity if people would follow by RSS since there is not an email subscription tool ... other than sign up for fee and get all my content and uploads.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Frank J Casella:

I haven't thought about that sort of use yet, or not anymore. I used to have a web site of my very own, but gave up on it long time ago. I there provided several RSS "streams" embedded on the web site. But I like that idea and solution. We use that at OASIS Space for Twitter and Instagram feeds:


Scroll down to see them.

But as said on article, I use it currently for ipernity just to get noticed on group posts.
5 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Frank J Casella:

I don´t know if it was possible to install own wordpress-plugins on wordpress.com, but if you run a wordpress on your own server it would be also an interesting option to show your latest uploads to ipernity in your blog like you can see it on www.kiezkicker.de/blog on the right side.
For that I use a wordpress-plugin named ipeRss de.wordpress.org/plugins/iperss which is still working.
In can display also group-uploads and everything else which has an RSS - Feed on ipernity...
5 years ago

Frank J Casella said:

Nice site Sami. Yes, I think RSS is coming back, especially with the noise of social media. I've set up an album here on ipernity and have a few RSS subscribers, so it seems to be working like a blog. For those who might be reading this and want to know more how RSS works, here is a good place to start rss-tutorial.com/rss-how-to-subscribe-to-feeds.php
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

In my reply to Frank I give an example on this as well =)

Yes, RSS feeds can be useful in many ways. I consider implementing that idea and suggestion on to the blog article, as soon as possible ;-)
5 years ago

declic67 said:

Sami pour Firefox as tu idée d'un adon utilisable et qui reste d'une version a une autre car les adon souvent ne passent pas les versions....moi j'ai la 74 (dernière)
4 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to declic67:

If you use something like 'Brief' addon, then try right click on the addon icon and 'Mark all feeds as read'.

Although, I am not sure if I understood your question correctly.

'Brief' available here: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/brief
4 years ago

Ruesterstaude said:

Ich habe eine Frage, die hiermit im Zusammenhang steht: Wie kann ich neue Kommentare zu älteren Bildern verfolgen, nachdem ich viele neue Bilder hochgeladen habe? Die eigenen Kommentare und die Antworten darauf kann man ja bequem finden. Eine solche Funktion zum Verfolgen der Kommentare zu den eigenen Bildern wäre wünschenswert. Ist das möglich - oder habe ich eine bereits vorhandene Funktion übersehen?
Auf jeden Fall noch einmal hier vielen Dank, Sami, für deinen Einsatz!
4 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Ruesterstaude:

Recent comments on all of your own posts should appear here:


That link works only for you, Volker. Notice your account name on the URL. Notice also the top down menu saying "Since" (Seit). Choose "a month" (einem Monat) to see even older comments.

Please let me know if this is what you wished to know, and if it works for you.
4 years ago

Ruesterstaude replied to :

Vielen lieben Dank, Sami, das ist eine große Hilfe! Es ist nur schade, dass ich das nicht früher wusste, denn ich habe manchmal beim Suchen nach alten Bildern nur rein zufällig Kommentare entdeckt. So kann ich wenigstens die finden, die vor einem Monat hinzugekommen sind.
4 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

Updated with instructions for Feedbro reader.
4 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

Another limitation discovered. One may also have to add every separate discussion thread into list of followed feeds. So, when following group discussions index, one only get notification on new topics, not on comments.

Therefore folders under Feedbro may turn out as useful.
4 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

For some reason RSS feed readers does not let one to add single group discussions from the button menu.

One has to copy the feed URL, and add it manually on the RSS reader dashboard.
4 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:

I think you can remove your limitation because if you click on the feed link you get the help page for this feed.
And there is an option to add your user data to the feed:
"In authentication mode?
Request this feed in authenticated mode"

If you click that you can read also feeds from private groups etc. - or anything you can see when you are logged in at ipernity.
3 years ago