Back to the stream
Music by Pekka Streng & Tasavallan Presidentti (1970)
"Back To The Stream
To the beginning of my time
My face keeps turning into countless new ones
My color changes, my race changes
when I float back I reach the past time characters
Back to the stream,
to childhoodtime
I will be born and I will die
I may live the elderhood again
I'm an indianwoman or a baby child
The centuties keep turning, everything is transforming
Back to the stream...
the dark bird of the night arises on it's wings
flies back to the past
to the colourful parade of days
where I recognize
that I myself have chosen the causes for the present
Back to the stream...
to the human morning
to the wordless pain in suffering eyes
Now I know
After that birth
while passing by
something marvellous will appear
Back to the stream..."
(translation by welamanda, freely...)