Rediscovering Stargarden
After literary over a decade, I found one of my all time favorite ambient music artist again. Stargarden aka Bobby DeVito has unique style and imagination. His music takes one to unknown places one has never heard before, or that is at least how I felt and still feel.
Previously I used to listen through Stargarden's whole production many times over Magnatune audio web service. Then I found many other ambient music artists thanks to SomaFM web radio. And even more at SoundCloud.
Now I bought the three month offer at Deezer, and tried to find some old favorites there, which I had not found elsewhere. First I found Air, then Boards of Canada, and then suddenly I remembered Stargarden.
If you have Deezer account, go ahead and listen what Bobby DeVito cooked up over 10 years ago.
1 comment
Stormlizard said:
Not heard of any of the people mentioned.