[INTERVIEWS] franck *oO**

Today we will make happy our French-speaking friends, with the first interview in French (with real.time translation in English ). A great photographer and a friend with whom to play: mesdames et messieurs, franck *oO**

Nickname: franck*oO**

Real name: franck

Age: 42

Website: only ipernity

Town/nation: St. Etienne / France

Spoken languages: français, et un little english :)


Q. Tell us something about you and photography

A. [FR] j'ai essayé de faire des photos en argentique, il y a quelques années. Mais les contraintes de develloppement m'ont plutot dissuader de continuer. Et puis la passion m'a attrapé au vol il y a maintenant un peu plus de 2 ans, un peu grace au coté pratique des appareils numérique.
[EN] I tried to make shots on film, some years ago. But the development constraints made me decide to stop. Than a little bit more than two years ago the passion captured me again on the fly, even thanks to the practical aspects of digital cameras


Q. What are your preferred subjects and techniques?

A. [FR] mes sujets préférés : tout est bon à etre photographié,simplement pour montrer les choses aux autres au travers de mon regard. Les enfants et la nature sont des sujets qui me tiennent particulièrement à coeur. Coté technique: j'utilise beaucoup mon appareil en mode "priorité ouverture" pour la profondeur de champ, et photoshop est un très bon ami à moi , pour jouer avec les couleurs. :)
[EN] My preferred subjects: everything is good to be portrayed, simply to show all kind of things to the other peoples through my eyes. Children and nature are two subjects I love very much. Tech side: I use a lot my camera in AF mode to obtain DOF and Photoshop is my good friend to play with colors :)


Q. Are you a professional photographer?

A. amateur


Q. What's your equipment?

A. Cameras: Lumix FZ7, Pentax K10D. Lenses: Pentax 18-55 et 50-200. Software: Photoshop.


Q. When and where you started sharing your shots?

A. [FR] j'ai découvert ipernity en mai 2007

[EN] I discovered Ipernity in May 2007


Q. Three preferred shots of yours?

A. [FR] difficile de choisir :

[EN] difficult to choose:


Q. The three preferred photographers or bloggers on Ipernity (so I can interview them: it isn't a contest ;-) )

A. [FR]très difficile de choisir simplement 3 artistes

[EN]It is really hard to choose only 3 artists

melpomene (USA),

be·mo·re (Germany),

Gabriel Michel (France).

[FR] mais beaucoup d'autres devraient etre cités ici.........

[EN] but many others should be cited here......

Q. What are the features you'd like to see implemented/improved on Ipernity?

A. [FR] j'ai pas trop d'idée sur cette question.

Continuons à entretenir l' esprit convivial d'ipernity et ce sera génial. :)

[EN] I don't have many ideas about this.

Let's maintain this convivial Iprnity spirit and it will be great :)

Thank you very much, franck, merci beaucoup


Previous interview: Ragnheidur

Next interview: Ojisanjake



1 comment

Ragnheidur said:

Nice to read a little about you Franck... nice interview and your pictures are amazing :o)
17 years ago