[INTERVIEWS] mad.melon

Our fourth interview is with one of the more popular and active members on Ipernity. Perhaps you know her with her MPPH (mad punk polish housewitch) acronym, and name of her group.

Ladies and gentlemen: mad.melon.


EDIT: I managed to write all the links the wrong way :-(

Nickname: mad.melon

Real name: Magdalena

Age: 31

Website: none (so far :D)

Town/nation: Pułtusk / Poland polish

Spoken languages: Polish, English; i understand German and Russian :D


Q. Tell us something about you and photography

A. taking pics is easier than drawing ;) i started from zenit 11 (still got it ;)) when i was 13 and well... :)


Q. What are your preferred subjects and techniques?

A. things, objects, sky. i'm atechnical :D


Q. Are you a professional photographer?

A. amateur, used to be housewife, now i'm just mad punk polish housewitch and i have a dog ;))

Q. What's your equipment?

A. fuji S5000, zenit 11. photoshop cs2

Q. When and where you started sharing your shots?

A. april 2006 - fuckr, i mean flickr :)

Q. Three preferred shots of yours?


(that was hard :D)

Q. The three preferred photographers or bloggers on Ipernity (so I can interview them: it isn't a contest ;-) )


GrandDesign (USA),

contramowly (Spain),

and last but not least:

Ojisanjake (Japan).

Q. What are the features you'd like to see implemented/improved on Ipernity?

A. comments related with pics, not with users (aaaaaaaarggggghhhh)

and do something with "your network" page!!! it's just dustbin, i can't find any of my contacts directly....

Thank you very much, Maddy, and see you soon on MPPH



Previous interview: Manganite

Next interview: Seelview



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12 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

bighug Thanks for sharing

Seen in robertoballerini home page (?)
17 years ago ( translate )

alboe said:

Thanks for those interviews! They are indeed fun to read. Furthermore now I know that I know popular people! ;) (First I just thought them to be nice people... ;))

Mad.melon == cool! :D
17 years ago

gin_able said:

wonderful interview, sophisticated questions,
astounding answers, I like it!
17 years ago