Groooooups: we wanted them, they are here!

Thanks Team Ipernity

...and now: c'mon girls and boys --> let's introduce our groups on the Ipernity Groups Directory

A big joke: we thought it was a server outage, but it was the moment we all were waiting for.

Groups are finally here:

let's start to present them.

Please, peruse this thread for link and presentation to the groups you start.


Roberto Ballerini -… said:

Groups I'm starting:
Black and white (discussions about B&W photography)
Italia e italiani (faces and places of Italy)
Music and Photography (where music and shots meet)
Ipernity Central (where all we voyagers meet)
Ipernity Café (a place to chat)
LightZone (about light or about the sw LightZone: we'll decide together)
GIMP (about the use of this open source software)
Best of the Week (show us your best shot of the week; and if you want you can also take part to a weekly contest)
Best of the Week - Hall of Fame (the winners of the previous group weekly contests - invite only)
QtPfsGUI (about this open source sw for HDR tone-mapping)
Ipernitian Meetings (to organize photo-meetings and show us what happens during these parties)
Twilight Zone (what happens when there is a dim light?)
Post-process (about post processing techniques)
Sfide (every member can propose themes for contests; we decide what contests to do and give ourself a few days to make shots about it)
Duels (well! following the Bigoode idea, every member can decide a photo duel between two other members)
Canon (about Canon cameras)
The sea (need an explaination?)
Sunsets - sunrises (need an explaination)
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

Ipernity Hall of Fame Kick them to the Hall of Fame

with the same spirit of my blog posts of the same name
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

Groups are in beta.
Please, let me know if you experiment problems posting to groups, disappearing shots, unfulfilled requests on invite-only groups and so on.
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

Browsing through group discussions, I've seen someone else had noticed something similar; there must be a View all link somewhere to click, but I don't know if it solves the problem
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

Two people disappearing this morning: Aufzynden! and Pietbe: I hope it isn't related to this "Groupies Storm"
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

I created a group to act as a group directory: Ipernity Groups Directory
17 years ago ( translate )

Arne said:

I've started the following groups:

Backlighting: Images with backlight.
Clouds: Clouds in all shapes and colours.


Sony R1: For all the R1 owners here at ipernity.

17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to Arne:

Thank Arne. While I was inviting you to post here, I had the idea to make a group to use as a group directory. So please take the time to join Ipernity Groups Directory
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

Please. Take a look here: www.ipernity.com/blog/robertoballerini/22977

I've made a group to replace this post!
17 years ago

Arne replied to :

Great idea, joined and posted. :)
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

Please, Maddie, take the time to add the descriptions to the new group: Ipernity Groups Directory
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

You made the right decision ;-)
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

Look here: www.ipernity.com/blog/11832/23009
LImit is now 100 groups
17 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

No magic: Léà, Cri & Cri are a wise Team ;-)
17 years ago ( translate )

Roberto Ballerini -… replied to :

Please: add your group description to the Ipernity Groups Directory
17 years ago