This is what war looks like...

From boston.com's Big Picture



chiappi said:

Amazing ! Thank you for this link.
16 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:

And that's how it sounds: www.t-mobile.de/downloads/endlos_telefonieren/laras_song.zip (a german telco)...
16 years ago

KliX said:

It shows war and destruction in an almost romantic and picturesque way, as if this fire is New Year's firework. Look at the pictures a bit closer and interpret them:
Picture 1: Urban area, or let us say a former urban being molten by this hell's fire. Compare with picture 7: This is a Qassam rocket, that is terrorising Israel. Look at it. It was not even able to make a small hole in the street. You can understand this way why there are 850 dead on Palestinian side and 16 on Israel's side
Picture 6: a boy fleeing from a rocket alarm in fear of rockets like those in picture nr. 7. He does not seem to be in a hurry. In Gaza there are no shelters and also no way to flee too. You would survive only by luck.
Picture 3: As if they are having a peaceful walk in the morning sun and not a murdering tour
Picture 11. these are phosphorus bombs that cause severe burns, at least according to this source: www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article5447590.ece?&EMC-Bltn=FGNE1A
Picture 13. compare with Palestinian Qassam rocket on picture 6 and launched on picture 22. Any differences?
Picture 29: another phosphorus bomb, that is internationally prohibited, exploding. I do not want to people how many and people were burnt with this, something like Napalm
Picture 31: and this about the freedom of press. If Israel hadn't got bad conscious about the atrocities it is doing in Gaza it would have allowed reporters to enter Gaza.
Picture 16: leaflets telling people to leave their homes because they are going to be bombed. the problem is that there is no where else to go as other areas of the Gaza strip had also such leaflet drops and there is no way out of the region.
What should people do? They leave their homes under Israeli instructions and go to safe buildings where they then get shelled. 30 of 100 people who fled this way died. here are details:

What does that mean? The pictures are beautiful and very well made, as I said almost romantic. They are only showing the whole thing as if it is small thing or little fighting, not harmful at all, and this is dangerous, I would say.
16 years ago

KliX said:

Interesting thoughts. First, I hope that you don't mean me with "the Arsonists", fan_berlin. Second, what is the alternative? Roberto said it: "war business is more disgusting that the war itself, but the information availability is the only kind of guarantee for the weaks against the stronger, so even if it's disgusting I'm happy for those shots which can save children's lives...". So, you prefer that there would be no pictures of the atrocities? that murderers can keep on slaughtering and nobody knows about it? So, in a way the censorship imposed by Israel on journalists in this was would fulfil your wish. No reporting on atrocities is a good thing and would stop this filthy business.
Finally, are you bothered this time especially because what you call Hamas won the so called battle of Media, or is it something that bothers you generally when you look at news, whatever news at all?
No, these pictures must appear and help us never to forget.
16 years ago