I used lots of GM scripts on Flickr. I'd like to have them on Ipernity too. Please, write in the comments if you know existing Ipernity scripts or if you want to help me translate them or if you have a script you'd want translated.
I used lots of GM scripts on Flickr. I'd like to have them on Ipernity too. Please, write in the comments if you know existing Ipernity scripts or if you want to help me translate them or if you have a script you'd want translated.
Shuttering Yukon said:
I am an admin for a group here and I would like to know if there is a script to see
1) all the members and...
a) who has posted or are they posting
b) when they posted
c) what they posted
Does that make sense?
Thanks, Wendi
Roberto Ballerini -… replied to Shuttering Yukon:
Unfortunately I'm unable to answer.
Try to ask to Team Ipernity or Christophe Ruelle.
Perhaps they could integrate it on the site or in the smartphone apps they're developing.
Shuttering Yukon replied to :
Christophe Ruelle said:
We are going to propose something this week. I don't know what but we'll work on it. Any help is greatly welcome.
Is there any GM hacker around ? please contact me !
Roberto Ballerini -… said:
Christophe Ruelle said: