I happened to be around and have my camera with me when this happened on the lake today: A mother had her six months baby and a two-and-a-half-year old with her, all three of them being on skates. When she approached a spot of thin ice, bystanders shouted warnings her way, but it was too late: She b…
16 years ago / 1 205 visits / 2 comments
Please find my complete post here.
16 years ago / 852 visits
... to all my American friends and contacts! Enjoy the bird-slicing! ;-)
16 years ago / 695 visits / 2 comments
I know, this may read crazy: I just came across this station on the web, who play nothing but the sounds and songs of different birds! It's winter here and I'm missing summer terribly, so this radio stream creates a summer atmosphere right in my living room - crazy, but nice (and nobody gets hurt, e…
16 years ago / 1 315 visits
At least I got it completed for now: I managed to add a melody and solo track to one of my tunes. Please visit me on my iLike-site, where I plan on adding material I perform live as well as one or the other original tune I intend to come up with. I will also add vocals in the process - for now, it's…
16 years ago / 812 visits / 2 comments
Just found this ;-) I spotted those trucks all across Canada and the USA, when I travelled there last time.
16 years ago / 732 visits / 1 comment
Tonight was a special night: It's been just a few weeks, since I first spotted him on YouTube: Andy McKee, delivering a killer arrangement and performance of Toto's 80ies hit "Africa" with nothing else but six strings and ten fingers - I was blown away! Later that week, I barged into the little aco…
16 years ago / 735 visits
I swear, I haven't laughed this hard in quite some time: I rented a movie today, which - going by the title - sounded like just another romantic comedy. But... it's written, directed and produced by Julie Delpy, a French atrice, who currently lives in Los Angeles. So.. it's loaded with funny twists…
16 years ago / 620 visits
Found this on YouTube the other day - hilarious! The words read: - cow - jackass - witch - dork - whore - quiet! Unfortunately, the joke works better in German, as the last two words are made of the same characters, just different sequence. But I still find the idea funny enough, how they form words…
16 years ago / 711 visits / 1 comment
Tried a new variation today. Ingredients: - Salmon, about 7 ounces (200 grams) - Thai Rice Noodles - Handcut Fries from Spring Potatoes - Yellow Squash - Optional: Yellow Bell Pepper - Ground Black Pepper - Ground Sea Salt - Thai Curry Relish - Virgine Olive Oil - Virgine Coconut Juice (13.5 ounces,…
16 years ago / 646 visits
I need to talk about stalking today. wikipedia says this about stalking: "Stalking is the obsessive following, observing, or contacting of another person, or the obsessive attempt to engage in any of these activities. This includes following the person to certain places, to see where they live or wh…
16 years ago / 843 visits / 1 comment
Awwwww... how I love those mild summer nights! I am so grateful for the place I live in! On nights like this, where we still had 68F/20 Celsius at midnight, I like to step out on the terrace, prefererrably just wearing underwear, sometimes my bathrobe, and look into the nightsky with its gazillions…
16 years ago / 665 visits
I've been flattering myself into thinking, I was quick to grasp things. I now have to admit to myself (and all of you reading) that I'm not - I'm naive... still. Hard to believe, but unfortunately, it seems to be a fact. In the current case, we're talking about business expressions. For all of you,…
16 years ago / 614 visits
I'm hoping, it will fall shut completely and stay closed for good. The good news: Other doors have opened instead. I'm hoping for those to open as widely as a horseback riding ranche's gate.
16 years ago / 871 visits / 2 comments
Just how could this guy escape me?
16 years ago / 593 visits