I am sad to report the camera died suddenly on Thursday :(

It had been having minor hiccups for a year... it owed me nothing... it had had something like 50,000 pics through it in just under 4 years.

It is almost certainly a switch circuit. It will switch ON/OFF whilst plugged into the Charger... but wont under its own steam. It isnt the battery... been there tried that (and was hoping... but not to be.)

The camera is probably worth about $35 now.. and to repair.. about $300 ... isnt going to happen.

I simply cannot afford right now to replace it with the new similar.. and I am going to trial a slightly cheaper Sony .... it arrives on Thursday.

Yes.. I still have the Sony A65 and the lenses... but the HV was the workhorse...the one that was welded to me. The HV gave me some little confidence back in my love of photography.

I think the replacement will do for now... till I can rob a bank !

RIP HV100V.... you will be missed. I am just grateful it went out on that Snowdrop photo... a fitting tribute.

After alot of searching and soul searching(!) I found the camera I actually WANTED for just $30 more and have been able to secure a return of the one I ordered (when it arrives) and a refund.

The one I wanted will be arriving this week !!


Clint said:

Oh, that's sad, though I can sympathize. I fear my trusty Nikon is headed that way. It's always sad to see them go.

I wish you the best for the new model. May it be the bridge to carry you to bigger and better things!
9 years ago

Pam J replied to Clint:

Thankyou Clint !
9 years ago

Stormlizard said:

Yes, such things can and will tease.
I hope your replacement serves you well.
9 years ago

Pam J replied to Stormlizard:

Thyankyou John
9 years ago ( translate )

Peggy C said:

Pam, it is always sad when our trusty camera gives up the ghost --- but, we do survive -- you will , also as you have another to use while waiting for the new arrival. .. even though the present one ''won't go out like your other''
Got lots of stuff from last night -- Mike was really cooking on that guitar -- converting the files now. It was a fun night -- good people - good music - good food - and I sent energies to all my Friends !
9 years ago

Pam J replied to Peggy C:

Thankyou SAB

Glad too the evening went well... and HUGSSS for Mike too
9 years ago

HaarFager said:

That's too too bad, Pam. I've lost a few cameras and it always felt like losing a family member. Maybe your new one will surprise you and be all that the old one was, plus more!
9 years ago

Pam J replied to HaarFager:

Thanks Ken ...

As I have been able(see the Update) to get the one I want.... I am hoping "normal service will be resumed" shortly !!
9 years ago

tiabunna said:

Best wishes with the new camera, Pam. We become so wedded to our old cameras - but there's not much can match the excitement of opening the packaging on the new one! :-)
9 years ago

Pam J replied to tiabunna:

Thankyou George !

I am MUCH happier knowing this replacement is the one I wanted. Its due tomorrow ! (or maybe Friday !)
9 years ago

Diane Putnam said:

Oh dear, I keep expecting this to happen with my Fujifilm. It's getting glitchy. I can't afford a new one, either...but I have a feeling I'll find a way!
9 years ago

Pam J replied to Diane Putnam:

Diane.... the only way I can have mine is ok by me..... it is all my presents for everything (Christmas/birthday/anniversary etc) for 2 complete years. Works for me !
9 years ago