You are the city of my birth.
In the 70's I lived and worked in London.. and was involved albeit on the edge of the IRA bombings. I know what that fear is. I was born just 10 miles from Marble Arch.... so the West End and Central London were my "home ground".
I just have these words....
Atrocity doesnt define who you are . It gives you the chance to show the world just who you CAN be as the reverse sentiment.
Don't be the victim... be the educator
Unless we educate and assist and rise ABOVE the mess.... and TRY to survive with grace and dignity... we have nothing to pass on. The learning process is both ways. I have refused to be a victim on several levels .... and I have hopefully learned to pass that on. I have listened.. and been listened too and mentored and been mentored. Given talks and listened to talks. What we have more than anything to pass on to future generations is the GOOD is out there... and we have a duty to give that gift to others. Give people the tools to be the best they can be. Its learning to walk through the horror and take a path that avoids it in the future. Nothing is easy.. but it is doable.
I hold you in my Heart London. I hold each one of you up as Survivors.
Jenny McIntyre said:
Pam J replied to Jenny McIntyre:
I was born just 10 miles from Marble Arch.... so the West End and Central London were my "home ground".
Peggy C said:
Yet, they care and help each other.
Sending my love and holding you close to my heart, My Friends and your friends.
( The Terror in London was not done by people - by humans .. they are subhuman. )
Stormlizard said:
I lived there for most of my life before leaving to come here.
I remember well the bombings by Hitlers forces, at the same time the IRA were enjoying placing bombs inside air raid shelters.
However we always came through smiling.
Clickity Click said:
In my kitchen hangs a framed poster: STAY CALM and CARRY ON.
May Londoners use the depth of their strength and resolve to once again rise above the acts of hatred and violence. We stand with London as always. XX
Moderator said:
I am so very sorry about the attack.. you have all my sympathy.