A sunny Bank holiday? not a hope
May has rolled in with cold winds and rain
Today is the first bank holiday,a time fr a nice stroll through the parks an fields to see spring in action.
Well that was my plan but instead I am looking out on rain driven by a strong winds so another day cabined up for me.
Better news in the garden I am right on top of it now so it's time to think of bwdding plants but not today with the wind,rain and temps of 8c I will be close to home.
On the shpping side of things my Saturday trips to town have been going well with Ellen bringing the heavy stuff.
This Saturday is Independence Day for my shopping when I will be doing the full shop.This is a big step to total freedom for me.
I hope you are getting better weather than me which won't be hard


Aus Blue said:

well its gotta get better there for ya mickey eventually ,it is spring there ..was ok day here
3 years ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

Aye, Typical Bank Holiday weather here - gusty winds bringing heavy rain showers.

A trifle annoying, as I wanted to tie up the clematis again after having thinned out a considerable amount of "dead ends" ... oh, well, it's have to wait.
3 years ago

Gracie said:

Thats too bad. Im sometimes amazed you haven’t gone bonkers! What holiday is it there?
3 years ago

Mickey fez replied to Gracie:

Spring bank holiday without the spring
3 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Yes, it was 'typical' bank holiday weather, and still is by me - cold, wet, and windy.
Good to see that you are getting out and about, though having help is good too.
3 years ago