St Patricks day and the cats
So what is the connection?
Well is was on this day 8 year ago my daughter Ellen came back home bringing with her two bundles of fun.
They were young cats she found cold and very wet in a nearby street.
They made themselves at home here of course I have become their servant.


Bee Orchid said:

Oh don't they look cosy. Some days I think my dog has me well-trained lol.
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

I must admit that when we talk every night, our conversations are often disrupted by the arrivals of these four legged beauties. You talk to them all the time and they seem to understand what you are saying, they tell you when they are hungry, or want a treat and I have become used to being a lesser mortal to them!!!! They give you so much joy and love, it's lovely to hear you talk about them. Eight years is a good long time, my Pippin is almost 12 years old now - where does time go?
3 years ago