Perfect for an early walk t the Co-op and grab some bargains. I eat any meat so grab what is on offer today it was Beef and Gammon
Setting rne Gammon aside for dinner tonight I froze the rest
After kunch I decided on a stro;; in the sunshine to the beach,after a while I was sorry I didn't change my heavy winter coat for a lighter one. the temps hit a giddy 12c
There were plenty of dog walkers aound andd parents wi h there little ones The sun was right in my eyes taking phtos was nigh on impossble but I managed a couple of snaps
Wtith trip to the Co-op earlier I clocked well over 4 miles today the best for quite a while.I did pay with back pains buy an hours rest and a couple of poain killers sorted it
Jenny McIntyre said:
Gracie said:
Bee Orchid said:
Mickey fez said:
i am cabined up again