A stroll in the sunshine
Today as for the last few days the sun has been shining,the difference today was the bitter easterly wind vanished.
I set off around 2pm strolled to the prom, through the park and on to the little wilderness.
Everything is still brown and dead down there but I still enjoyed listening to the birds twittering away.
The only drawback about going down a valley is the climb to get out again,with my lack of walking that took a little while but I got there. Turning homeward I took a route that passed Ellen's house so that was a pit stop.
After a brew an a chat I headed home again,unexpectedly tired but the strength will return as I walk more although I do walk a little slower these days it was very enjoyable and I clocked up 3.8 miles on the pedometer,
Roll on more good weather
Stay safe folks


Gracie said:

Thats a good bit of a walk. A lot more than I do/did. Weather has been too cold and too snowy
4 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

That's a good walk, especially this time of year. Our dog had a very brief walk yesterday, it was minus 3C and far too cold to be out for any length of time. Glad you enjoyed it though.
4 years ago