Latest fom Jenny
today Jenny has undergone blood tests etc and much to her delight a new course of "pee" pills and stool softeners
tomorrow she has a blood transfusion and a CT scan
She is going through a lot but keeping her sense of humour up.

Better news on the medical front for me I got my covid 29 jab today


Jenny McIntyre said:

Why did you have a COVID29 jab? What happened to the COVID19? LOL Well if I was to go on a downward spiral, which would be very easy, especially with the patients in this ward, what good woud it do me? Today a lovely African Nurse said "I love the way you smile!" Isn't that gorgeous?
4 years ago

Gracie replied to Jenny McIntyre:

Ha Jenny I wondered the same thing. Glad to see you're doing well. Its appreciated but why is Mick keeping us up when you obviously have access?
4 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Thanks for the update. Good to see you've had the vaccine now.

Jenny - That was a lovely thing to say to you :) Hope all goes well.
4 years ago