sunshine and gardening
A couple of really good days here.
Yesterday after carting my weekly shop back I had a visit from Ellen and Mal which was nice
When they left it was time to mow and strim the front garden,I am right on top of it now only weeding the flower beds left
After lunch I strimmed the back left hand side out the back so I am on top of that as well.
This morning after an early morning walk I weeded the flower beds out front.
I Rang my sister Pat to wish her happy birthday and we chatted for a while,time for lunch Ham salad buns which I ate in the back garden in lovely sunshine and temps of 22c,very pleasant
My neighbours John and Pauline came out to catch some rays so we swapped news stories since the last chat we had.
As usual if you sit in a garden you will find something that needs sorting and so it was with me today,a little weeding here and there and when that was finished I treated myself to a cold beer before wrapping the days work up by watering the potted plants.
A very pleasant day all round


Gracie said:

Yes my kind of day too. I hope you continue with such nice weather
3 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Oh I'm so glad that you've managed to get on top of your garden - you can relax now because the warm sunny weather is supposed to last another day or so.
3 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Good to see that you've had some nice weather too. Nice to have a visit from family, and very nice to have lunch in the garden.
It's dry here today (Monday) though very cool so far and certainly wouldn't sit outside without a fleece on. Early yet though...
3 years ago