The gas man cometh
Yesterday I noticed a small water leak in my central heating boiler. A phone call was all it took for a pleasant you man to sort it.He didn't have the part needed but as things were safe he left things running until today.
He returned as promised fitted the new part and gave everything a good overhaul so now I am set for winter and thanks to my small monthly payment plan there was nothung to pay
Weather here still pretty grim,goes with covid crisis I guess


StoneRoad2013 said:

Yeah, the gas man cometh and sorteth out the boiler here also.

A few days ago we had a small leak, took the fitter only a few minutes to change a seal and move a connection slightly, then the annual service / tests.

An extra complication - our gas is LPG (tank not bottles) - into a condensing combi ...
All done in a very few minutes.
Regrettably, due to the covid rules, he couldn't accept a cuppa.
But he thanked us for the thought !
4 years ago

Gracie said:

Good for peace of mind
4 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Good to see you got a speedy repair sorted.
4 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

I've got the surveyor coming Monday to look at my roof for the Insurance company. Just as well these things are happening prior to the winter. Glad you've got the boiler sorted out.
4 years ago