The country is bathed in sunshine it seems,not quite here though
I awoke to find a threatened rain shower had swept through delaying my grass cutting.
By 11am the sun had dried at up. I donned my back support and started on the front a few days later than I had hoped which made it hard work instead of
a stroll.
I finished mowing both side before my back called end of play. As my back has been a little fragile of late I heeeded the call and left the strimming.
All being well I will finish that in the morning. After lunch the hope is to start on the back if my back agrees.
With work stopped for the day I had lunch in the back garden and washed it down with a couple of cold beers.very tasty at end to a very short but producive work day.
Bee Orchid said:
Gracie said:
Jenny McIntyre said: