The longer I am here and the better I understand the peculiarities of Ipernity the more I recognize specifics, I have not known in the world I came from (Panoramio). One of the most noticable to me after a year on and off at Ipernity is the silently raging war over spam. It comes along with it's own terminology and it took me a while to understand the basics although I am still struggeling with the precise definition of spam, as it is understood here. There seem to be spam free groups and spam free comment streams and if someone does not comply to the spam free rules, he will be punished severely? Removed from the group? His comments deleted? This is a minefield, especially for new folks like me! On the other hand I find this rather funny. What's the big deal? Why all the excitement?
In the world I came from it was for instance common and generally accepted practice to include links to other photos into the comment stream augmented by text such as "Look at this, I took this pic from the same location 20 years ago". Now, is this considered spam here? And if yes, why, because the intention ist not promotion of my or even somebody elses photo, but providing useful information to someone. And what the heck is wrong with "seen in". Is that an insult to anybody? Or obscene? I find it rather rude to be kicked out of a group, because someone else added a "Seen in" comment in my stream. Why not just keep cool and take it easy? Don't be so narrow-minded. If I don't like comments like "great shot" I simply don't answer, but ban the guy? That's silly!
Gudrun said:
LutzP replied to Gudrun:
Gudrun said:
LutzP replied to Gudrun:
Gudrun replied to :
LutzP replied to :
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:
Durch diese Links, insbesondere denen, die dann auch noch ein Gruppenwerbebildchen angehängt haben, kann man doch defakto keine Vergleichsbilder der gleichen Location mehr anhängen, denn außer den Leuten, die da ihre Gruppenwerbebildchen bei ihren Kontakten posten wollen, hat doch nun kaum jemand mehr die Erlaubnis aktiviert, dass jemand hier andere Fotos in die Kommentarspalte als Vergleichsfoto einfügen darf- defakto ist durch diese Gruppenbanner also quasi der direkte fotografische Vergleich unmöglich gemacht worden. Na gut, man kann noch einen Link setzen, aber das ist dann doch kein direkter Vergleich als solches, wie es mit dem einbinden des entsprechenden Fotos in 240px - Kantenlänge vormals noch möglich war.
LutzP replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°…:
Wie auch immer, wenn ich so einen Link setzen darf wie oben beschrieben ohne dass mein Account gelöscht wird, bin ich ja schon mal froh ;-)
VG Lutz