Help us in translating our FAQ into English!

Hurray! We have finally completed the rewrite of Ipernity's F.A.Q. in our native language (French).

We are looking for English-native volunteers who could help us in translating this same F.A.Q into English.

In exchange for your helping us translate Ipernity's F.A.Q. from French to English, we will offer you a "Pro" account. This is our way of showing you how much we appreciate your language translation contributions!

Interested? Send me an iperMail and I will try to respond as quickly as possible!


Lea d'ipernity replied to :

16 years ago ( translate )

Christine Valin said:

I could try to help you as I'm English and have lived in France for 30 years. I don't know about the technical side of it, but I'll try.
16 years ago

Ron's Log said:

Can't do the French to English, but after somebody else does that I volunteer to take a hammer and transform it from Translated English into English For The English Speaking, if you want.
16 years ago