Ipernity Photo Exhibition: Selection is over! / La sélection est terminée !


Hello all,

We've just completed the selection process.

50 images have been selected for the exhibition, representing 50 photographers and 17 countries.

We've just sent a message to the related authors, asking them the original file, their written authorization and other information.

We are waiting for this information before announcing the selected images next week.

Stay tuned!


Voilà ! Nous venons de terminer la sélection des photos qui seront exposées à l'occasion du World Photography Festival !

50 images ont été choisies, ce qui représente 50 photographes et 17 pays.

Nous avons adressé un message aux artistes concernés, en leur demandant le fichier original, ainsi que leur autorisation écrite et d'autres informations.

Nous attendons leurs réponses afin d'annoncer les gagnants la semaine prochaine.

Alors si vous avez participé, jetez vite un oeil à votre boîte mail !


Christine Valin said:

Congrats to all the winners!
14 years ago

KliX said:

Any news on the selection, Lea? When can we see which pictures have been selected? I submitted 3 and they were not selected now I am curious to know which ones have been :-))))
14 years ago