
Don't wonder. This is the name of the book I bought one week ago. It is a beautiful book of Photgpraphs by Bettina Rheims (probably my favourite photographer) and Serge Bramly. It is a combination of text, a modern narration of the story of Jesus life and the photographic interpretation. Well at least the pictures caused big trouble with the Church, I can tell you. Anyway, I sat in my favourite Café at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and read in the book, listened to the Live Bossa Nova music and looked at the beautiful (and scandalous from Clergy point of view, or maybe blasphemous) pictures. The book was very suitable to the day today, as it is Easter for the Orthodox Church! I found the story of the birth and the escape to Egypt the way it was told touching, although religion and me are no good friends...

By accident I had my camera with me. Although I did not intend to make pictures today because I was exaggerating it in the last few weeks (and you are not seeing them on Ipernity ;-) ). I decided to make a story and shoot a series. So, you are going to see a whole bunch of pictures that have been uploaded today. They are all one story. So you should look at them in slide show (with music, if I manage to set this up). I wanted to show what people have been doing in this part of the town at a Sunday with a relatively nice weather. First pictures were shot by putting the camera on the table, aiming it a certain point, fixing the focus and using manual exposure and pressing on the button every now and then. So, best effect would be achieved by looking at the Slide Show. It looks then like a film. I wanted to show also what different people are passing by, age, cloths, origins and also which means of movement. After this series I shot skaters and bikers lingering around in the square. The third part was pictures of a Street performance of a funny comedian who picks an assistant from the spectators (usually a gorgeous young lady) and performs with her making people burst into laughing. Well, I saw his show many times already. Still I looked at it once more, initially because of the beauty of the young Polish assistant he picked. I then remained there and laughed with all these people while making pictures. The last part is sporadic about the passers by. Well, you might find out that the portion of young ladies is over-proportional in the pictures and you can blame it on the Spring (and hormones). Please excuse the incorrect exposure, focus or framing in some pictures as the circumstances did not allow to correctly set them up.

Well,I hope you enjoy the show!

1 comment

KliX said:

Thank you dear Becca :-))) I think you are my loyal fan ;-) I am happy that I was able to convey some of this atmosphere to you. And this artist (Theo) always manages to draw the attention of at least 100 people. And as you said the assistant (named Longa!) was too gorgeous to be ignored ;-) I only wish O had one single picture of her without sun glasses

Coming from klix blog (?)
16 years ago