Huhu? Anybody being around here?
It seemed like ipernity is going to sleep-mode again, I suggest just quite after the last movement from flickr the same this time will happen.
I think most of the "new arrived" guys have bought a 3 mounth - club-membership to test things out and see what happen (and moved away cause they are aware just about hits and counters). This three mounths (from end of may) will end in these days - and it´s getting quite more silent the last weeks than it was in may and june...

So it seemed like things will happen as I suggested in Galgenhumor aus dem Mund eines seit 6 Jahren bei Ipernity seienden Ex-Flickr-Nutzers (english summary in commentsection) already... ipernity will again fall back to sleep. So - well - I will stay anyway. ;-)


ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:

a script monster, crashes regularly,

Yeah, it does. Everytime I search the results will display slower and slower each time I click on the "More"- link. After I click a few times on it I got this requester:
Script at flickr needs way to much time to execute
My browser requested that a script seems to get sleepy and ask if I want run it or cancel it because of this behaver.

I was testing it a bit, I also even uploaded some private (!) photos on flickr which had more than 50 views after a week - but it was only visible for two persons. And they definitely haven't clicked 50 times on the image.

That sounds strange. Well - I haven´t any stats, lol.

The "photo updates" pages are pure crap, they don't work at all.

Use RSS-Feeds. Beside of flickr there are many visible feeds around, with much ways of what to display. But - well, the page was crap. I like the way that contacts, friends and family are seperated from each other but the issue that you have to click to "more" everytime and you have to know what you already had seen in the past was some way of annoying, copy that.

Definitely true, a lot of people left already... but back to flickr?

No, mostly not. But I don´t know where they are wandering - it seemed they aren´t upload anymore because their flickr-pages (if they have any) are this boring, too. Nothing happened there, just like here.

Sorry, but I don't like that whole flickr stuff anymore after their creepy update - and I don't even really trust them anymore, because I don't know who else has access to my photos.

I had reported a bug to ipernity some time ago that - if a video are just visible to me (or was it for my family? Don´t know anymore) there wasn´t a player shown. I linked this file as an example. They answered that they can´t get the error because they can´t see my content. This was an issue I love at ipernity because it seemed that they (it was Julian this time) surf throw ipernity like their users did. They surelly have physical access to all files (they own the servers) but don´t gain it backway - instead they browse ipernity as "normal users" with all closed doors setted by "visible by" the users set their files. Love that. :-) And the hits at files which are set to family, friends or just me are fitting the audience they have, of course, lol.
11 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said:

Bezüglich der "Was gibts neues" - Seite scheint sich gerade was zu tun, ich habe die entsprechende Seite gerade übersetzen dürfen, bzw. ein neu hinzugekommenes Wort ("Beta", soll wohl für "Beta-Version" oder so verwendet werden). Und das Team hat ja auch angekündigt, die entsprechenden Seiten überarbeiten zu wollen (beginnend mit den Gruppen). Wird allen Anschein nach nun eine Auswahlmöglichkeit geben, dass man sich nur bestimmte Gruppen anzeigen lässt (mit neuen (zu moderierenden Beiträgen / die man selbst administriert)).
11 years ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Another former Flickr-member (at least not active any longer). Was VERY unhappy with the terrible changes in lay-out and the way views are counted nowadays.

I'm still - after a couple of months - very happy with Ipernity. Personally I feel people are friendly and I do get MUCH more comments and fav''s than I ever had on the other site. But I think one should be active as well.
11 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Jaap van 't Veen:

Well, the issue with fav- and comment- count was the same for me, even as I was sometimes pretty active at flickr with commenting and so on. I don´t watch pretty much at the viewcount so I miss that I had verrun 100.000 views (which was much here), but at flickr I had much more- but without the communicative aspect. And here we have some features flickr will never have- like blogs or the pictureInpicture- function which I love pretty much. And it was possible to be in a wide range of groups with different topics without get lost in all the other photos which are dumped in a group. Yes, dumped seemed to be the right word for it. :-)
11 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen replied to :

"... or the pictureInpicture- function...

Please tell me where to find/how to use this function.
11 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to :

11 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen replied to :

Thank you for the link.
Another reason to become Club-member (now first off on a holiday).
11 years ago

Stormlizard said:

I have been here for 14 months as a Club member, things do at times seem to "Hybernate" but why this is I have no idea. I can only say that it was exactly the same at my previous "Cyber home" Multiply which changed to an Online shopping site in S E Asia, then went down the Tubes hence my arrival here.

11 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Stormlizard:

Well, you should be found your home - I was at ipernity since 2007 and I suggest they won´t switch to an asian shoppingsite. ;-) They changed sometimes a few things, sometimes (one time since 2007) their complete layout - but being all the time a file - community and I will hope they don´t plan to change at least that they are. ;-)
11 years ago

Rob Fletcher said:

Hi! Just been here a few months, full club member too. Was at F***r since 2007, and just don't like the way it looks and feels now. The clean look here (quite like the old F***r) is good and easy to navigate. Yes, it's a bit quiet now and then. But, the few comments I get are "on topic" and provide useful feedback to me. It doesn't matter if you have 10 comments or 1000 comments, it's the quality that counts! The groups are little hard to find, but as time goes on more are getting added and are providing a good range of platforms for exposure.

Hopefully this site will grow to become a community who love to take and show off their photographs. Yes, there are other more "professional" sites who sort of promise exposure to professional comments/critiques. But, I like that fact that there are people here who are mainly amateurs but still take REALY GREAT photographs. If they have a good eye for their shots, then they are more than qualified to comment on mine.

11 years ago

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to Rob Fletcher:

Hi Rob, you make a good statement. A few parts which I would like to comment:
But, the few comments I get are "on topic" and provide useful feedback to me.
This was, indeed, a good reason to stay here, and I copy it. It might be the case that you got more views and maybe even more comments "beside", but that´s not the point. Well, of course I like it when my art was viewn, and I even like it to get a little bit of response, but what you had written is way more important to me, too: To get _useful_ feedback. It might be nice if you creep someone's ass (to get comments like "Oh, nice one" or "Good photo"), but - well, sometimes I don´t even think that a photo was nice at all (but I upload it anyway, sometimes even without a notice I don´t like it this way), and I even got feedbacks. Sometimes they are a little bit full of sarcasm, but sometimes anybody point in the right direction and asking why I did it this and not the other way. Or give me some hints how I can do it in a "more professional way", do it better, or just other, to get nice results. And in my case it´s OK to get always "negative comments" under a photo if somebody dislike it (but they should be constructive)- well, at flickr I was blocked for this kind of comments quite often, this wasn´t the case here (or I don´t see it). It seems like "there" was the "sunny way of life", at ipernity it´s more the real one which I prefer. ;-)

Another point:
The groups are little hard to find, but as time goes on more are getting added and are providing a good range of platforms for exposure.
Yes, at first they are harder to find - but over the years I got a pool which reflects my interests. It´s nice to browse through others documents and see in which groups they are belonging. Sometimes I prefer just to browse through the list of groups a member of ipernity is belonging to- which was way more fun here because at flickr just the names of the group are displaying at the group-overview of other members - this would help sometimes, but sometimes not (if the name of the group is more "literally" than speaky).
So, well, everyone would find his groups - they are here for around six years so the "most ones" are already here - and if not it´s just a few minutes away (and if you promote it f.e. in www.ipernity.com/group/groupiperdirectory it´s easy for others to find it - or just write an blogentry about it (a feature flickr not even have).
11 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

Based on my experience, summer months and especially months like August when most of the peeps at northern hemisphere have they holidays, are particularly silent time on any social media. But there are always a small group of loyal members who will continue using the service and stay active.

Me and some of my friends are now moving here from soon to be closed MyOpera community. And our intention is to stay. Some of us probably will be "free riders", but for example I made 24 month agreement immediately when I found how good this Ipernity is.
11 years ago