We had our first camera club meeting last night. It was an anonymous critique night where we submitted two photos each. I didn't get burned too bad considering I just grabbed the first photos I found without watermarks. The interesting thing about the night was their use of Lightroom for viewing and editing the photos. I'd purchased a copy of Lightroom some years ago, but I'd yet to load it on the computer with having most of my time taken up working on the other house. I was impressed with Lightroom and I may have to find the time to do that soon. They are planning to bring in a person to teach it soon, but I'm going to do a little reading to see if I'm going to wait for that. We've got a water drop session next time and it should be an interesting evening.


Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

I have seen amazing shots done on Lightroom with much less effort than on PhotoShop or GIMP. If you have a license for it, then indeed start to use it! ;-)
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

It doesn't do everything Photoshop does, but it does a lot of other things quickly! I originally bought it as a tool to manage my photo collection. I'm going to study it a bit first, but I will probably load it soon.
10 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

I just remembered I have freeware called LightZone used for some what similar purpose as LightRoom. But I never use it. Way too simple editing for me, I guess =D
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to :

I just did a search for that. It looks interesting. I mainly want to use it to do stuff like this:

10 years ago