Fresh out of the desert southwest ... my newest old truck arrived today. I won a government auction a couple of weeks ago and I've been anxiously waiting for its arrival! It needs a little work before it becomes my daily driver, but then that's often the nature of these auctions. I think the girls will like riding in the cab with me again once I get all the desert dust out of it! :-)
Clickity Click said:
Indycaver (Norm) replied to Clickity Click:
Clickity Click said:
Indycaver (Norm) replied to Clickity Click:
autofantasia said:
Indycaver (Norm) replied to autofantasia:
HaarFager said:
Indycaver (Norm) replied to HaarFager:
I suppose I'd just collect cameras, but I'm not sure I could keep up with you! :-)
HaarFager replied to :
HaarFager said: