
Party time here finally! The house sold yesterday and I can finally get back to doing my normal stuff! This photo is from my aunt's collection and shows her and a group of her friends having a great time at the house! I'm guessing it's prior to 2007. It's a young Drambuie in the foreground. Jan is wearing the Route 66 t-shirt. A girl friend and Jan drove Route 66 to California back in 1963 in Jan's new Pontiac Tempest convertible. It was one of her many great adventures and she talked about dancing all night at the Playboy Club in Las Vegas. She also talked about experiencing her very first earthquake in California while sitting on the toilet ... and how difficult it was to navigate the stairs with her panty hose down around her ankles!


Valfal said:

Congratulations, Norm! It must feel like a great weight off your shoulders!
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Valfal:

Thanks ... and yes ... it's great not having to worry about it anymore! It has consumed most of my free time for the last two years!
10 years ago

HaarFager said:

Congratulations on selling your home! I hope you don't end up missing it or I hope you end up liking your new home even better. You do have a new home, don't you? You're not homeless? If so, you can have my couch-bed to sleep on!
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to HaarFager:

Thanks Kenny! I miss my aunt, but I won't be missing the house! I did develop some friendships with a few of the neighbors while I was trying to sell it and I will be missing their visits I suppose. I'm not homeless, but I do need to focus some time on some things I've been ignoring while I worked on the other place.
10 years ago

Shuttering Yukon said:

oh good for you to sell the house, it's a kind of bittersweet moment though... now what did you do with that carousel horse, that's a beauty!
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Shuttering Yukon:

We sold it! It went to a doctor's wife ... whose father ran the carousel at the fair. She always rode the black horse. :-)
10 years ago

Clickity Click said:

Your aunt took advantage of some great opportunities ... what a lot of great stories she has left you. :) Hopefully things will return to normal, albeit a new normal with you aunt's passing and the sale of her home.
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) replied to Clickity Click:

Thanks Chris! I sure hope so! She did a lot, but she did wish she'd been born into a later generation. She was quite the baseball player and was really impressed when a girl from her hometown playing on the boys team made it to the state finals. The would not even consider letting her play in her day!
10 years ago