ipxUploader - Now public
The ipxUploader is now officially available.
After some very busy weeks and some vacation without coding anything I finally found the time to fix some problems detected during beta test with a reduced beta test team and to finish the website for the ipxUploader.

Many thanks for the testing team!

You can follow ipxuploader on twitter for news or if you want to complain or you want to post suggestions for improvements for version 1.0.

Feel free to download your ipxUploader on www.ipxuploader.com, current Version is 0.9.10 0.9.12.


Christophe Ruelle said:

Great Work Iljuschin !!!
The possibilities are infinite and the interface very user friendly.

Let me know when we can promote ipxUploader.
13 years ago

Iljuschin replied to Christophe Ruelle:

Thanks for your nice words! If there are no major complains and I had integrated a short license text (mainly warranty exclusion blah blah) we can promote the app :-)
13 years ago

Iljuschin replied to Christophe Ruelle:

I found today some time to finish some issues. Version is now ok for promotion!
13 years ago