Back in Bombay, early February

The trip by car from Udaipur to Surat through rural areas of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat lasted 19 days and was successful. It was rewarding photographically. I often thought about photography, 'why do I not want to take this photo', 'what makes this a must' - if there's time to ponder, 'how will others see this', 'this is so familiar to me, yet I want to take it', ' I want this horizontal shot in my collection of desk-tops', 'this is a documentary shot' etc. I think being an ipernity member and user since the autumn makes me reflect. And I hope that looking at photos by members and reading comments has made a difference to the photos I have taken on this trip.

I took about 1500 and have downloaded them into my computer here in Bombay. I have corrected many and made a number of croppings. And also selected a number. I find this process exciting.

Uploading to ipernity has been frustrating over here because the computer connection where I stay only works sometimes. In another house the connection was so slow I could only upload a small number and had to abort the rest before I had to leave. Maybe I shall be able to upload some more before we travel some more in...

Uttar Pradesh which is the state in the North where our second trip by car is due to take place. However I might possibly not go because of some health problems.

Return to Brussels will be on March 10th after which there will be time and the opportunity to work on photos and maybe at text and to upload and to produce albums so that viewing can be easier and more structured. ( and maybe I can study how to take photos more proficiently from a technical point of view).

1 comment

pimlico said:

I'm glad to be in touch with you, thank you. Today I am able in another house to complete the uploading, it's happening as I write.
We, my wife and I, will be going up north on Wednesday starting with Mathura and Agra.
16 years ago