I got several really good gifts.. Books and assorted ornaments. My daughter got us(her and I) VIP tickets to the Harry Potter Exhibit in New York City! That is I think, going to wind up being my favorite! It's open dated so I can go anytime between now and the closing in April.. We don't have to wait in line and get a few little other "VIP" treatment things I'm not sure of right now.. She'll be a little bored because she enjoys it but not like I do.. Me, I'm the geeky nerd in the family! I'm putting some pictures of a couple of my favorite things in my gallery.. Hope everyone had a great time and was able to enjoy their day as they wanted!
Gracie said:
Jenny McIntyre said:
Gracie replied to Jenny McIntyre:
Mickey fez said:
Stormlizard said:
Happy New Year.