Photo Phun- Kitchen impliment
Have some Wine? This would be a fun gadget at a party! Certainly works to take care of several guests at one time! :-)


Mickey fez said:

can you get a big one for beer?
12 years ago

Gracie replied to Mickey fez:

I did see something similar for beer! Would be a good Christmas gift for my Rick! :-)
12 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Looks good, but not much use for me really. I've got two bottles of wine on the sideboard and they've been there for over 2 years now!!!
12 years ago

Gracie replied to Jenny McIntyre:

I know.. I have a really cute wine rack in the shape of an old fashioned bicycle.. The kind with the big front wheel and tiny back wheel? I almost never actually drink it. But I do turn the bottles 1/4 turn often!
12 years ago