But today is fine.. My baby girl is 29 years old today.. A bit more than a little hung over as she went out with friends from work yesterday.. Martini's... I couldn't even sip one without being bug eyed drunk and she had 2 and a few beers.. And not much to eat all day.. She got here this morning all bleary eyed.. Hungry so mom went out to get her a nice bagel to help the tummy settle.. She was concerned because in the barf stage of her drunk everything came up red. She forgot she'd had Red velvet cake.. Duh! Got her fed, gave her Gatorade and Tylenol.. Now she's asleep on my couch.. Silly baby but I can't say anything. I did my share and then some of getting Shi* faced! Really didn't learn I just don't have the ability to drink till I was in my forties! Talk about a lesson long to learn!
People in my area have finally calmed down with all the weather. We did wind up having a couple inches of snow on Wednesday but really nothing major. The poor people south of us who are still without homes and power. Those I truly feel for. There are many people doing what they can to help. Getting them warm food and clothing. Many people have opened their homes to the homeless. My husband and I waited till the first "rush" was over to see what the real need is. So this week he is going to a clothes outlet we know of. He'll buy several types of t-shirts, socks and underwear. Some people lost absolutely everything. They can go to warming shelters and take a shower in some places but then have no clean clothes to put on. People forget about things like socks and underwear.. So that will be our contribution. I've offered people I know our spare room. No one has taken me up on it but I have offered. Gas (petrol) issues are easing up. Food is OK but some items like dairy and produce, is a bit of an issue. Things that have to be trucked in. Still it's all good for us. Roof was fixed and seems fine. The guys left me alone for the most part after I ranted on them Thursday.. Hopefully this will last thru the next storms..
We are all ok and today we celebrate Amanda's birthday.. Although she's not sure about a nice dinner tonight. If not we will go out Monday night. My Ricks birthday is Monday.. He usually only does low key for his as that's the day his father got sick. His father had an aneurysm and died the day after his 11Th birthday so he's not big on doing his much. But overall for us here things are back to normal. As normal as they can be.. Oh and my daughter announced that she has a chance to go to visit a friend in London during our Thanksgiving.. I'm not thrilled as its one of our big holidays, but I told her go and have fun..Can't fault her for wanting to see the world.. She's young, single and hasn't any commitments but to work and herself. So now is when she can do these things. Hey, if I could I would go too.. Someday I hope.. I really do..
Jenny McIntyre said:
Gracie said:
Giving socks and undies away is nothing. It won't hurt us and I'd hope someone would do the same for me and mine should God forbid anything like that happen. It's really the absolute least we can do.. I was thinking of buying some inexpensive cosmetics too.. Women still want to look as nice as possible yes? Even if it's just a little blush and lipstick? Makes you feel better when you look a bit better..
Gracie said: