
"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." --Ansel Adams

I don't believe in coincidence. That beauty and timing like this is to me a sign of God's love in the world. As only He can do.

Whenever I try to do two things at the same time, they both fall short of their full potential. Things line up for a reason, with God there is no coincidence.

I mean, I was walking my dog when I made this picture. But I had to stop walking and make the dog sit, so I could 'focus' to click the shutter.

The lesson here for me, then, is to keep your focus on the main thing, and make the world a more beautiful place to be.

Enjoy your day.

Frank J Casella



Jenny McIntyre said:

It's a beautiful photo, and seeing the moon like this is great.
6 years ago

Frank J Casella replied to Jenny McIntyre:

Thank you Jenny. Yes!!
6 years ago

Bee Orchid said:

Nice photo and blog.
6 years ago

Frank J Casella replied to Bee Orchid:

Thank you Fran
6 years ago ( translate )

Marko Novosel said:

I know them like synchronicities,it happens to all of us but only sometimes we can spot them cause we live so fast,its not deja vu but some kind of bigger order,we can call it as we want.
It seems like we sometimes scratch the tissue of time.
5 years ago

Frank J Casella replied to Marko Novosel:

Thank you Marko
5 years ago ( translate )

Bee Nee said:

A wonderful moment!

(I had this feeling of a certain synchronicity with my last pic - leaving the exhibition and running into exactly the same theme in "the real world". Such moments happen quite often - the more if one is open for them. And I also don't think they are just coincidences).
5 years ago

Frank J Casella replied to Bee Nee:

Interesting ... thanks for sharing, and your visit.
5 years ago