DMC, the like, and what gets me hyped!
Jim Sterling on the Jimquisition was talking about how the Devil May Cry reboot from a couple years ago (DMC) is a great game, and I would agree. I was considering doing game awards for what I played in 2014, but never got around to finishing them. If I did, DMC was probably going to get the Game of the Year title.
I think the original Devil May Cry was among the first dozen or so games I tried out on the PS2, and I didn't enjoy it. I didn't like the fixed camera, I got stuck on a boss that I thought was too hard, and I just didn't feel motivated to try and get passed it. That put a bad taste in my mouth leaving me uninterested in bothering with any of the titles in the rest of the series. That was until DMC came around. I saw something that looked like a fresh new take on the series, while fans of the series saw an abomination. And maybe from their eyes they're right (although I know of other fans of the series that would disagree). But for me, this was a success in changing the audience up a little bit. They may have cut loose some old fans, but gained new ones like myself. And if you're going to reboot anything, you may as well do some things differently, and do it as Sterling describes it: change the body, but keep the mind and spirit the same.

And with listening to his video about the game, I started tying my thoughts about it to my recent lack of impressiveness to some of the titles I've been playing. For example, Dead Space 3. Another example of a game that has been complained about for departing too much from the survival-horror feeling of the first. It's been said to be too much like a standard 3rd person shooter, and so I thought maybe I should try it out because that sounds more interesting to me. But I'm not convinced that DS3 dropped it's apple far from the tree, or so I'm guessing having never played the first two. I'm guessing it's mostly the tension and pacing that was changed from first two. For me, it's game-play is too slow and too tedious to enjoy all that much. I'm debating whether or not I should finish the game, but at past the half-way point I'm still on the side of treading through it and getting a review out. It's not that it's poorly constructed, it's just that it's not for me. I was looking forward to a Binary Domain with monsters instead of robots, but that's not what I ended up with.

But why have I been so picky lately? I don't know, but I just haven't found a game as of late that I'm really into and having a lot of fun playing at every turn. Maybe Platinum Games has been ruining me over the yeras with their high-energy, fast-paced, super-fun, over the top action titles. One of the more recent games I looked forward to continuing when I wasn't playing was Deadpool thanks to the action it was able to deliver without taking itself seriously. My preferences as of late also explain why DMC would have walked away with my GOTY pick for 2014. As for when I'm done with Dead Space 3, I'm going to move on to Wolfenstein: the New Order. I have a feeling that game is going to give me the action I crave! I hope it gives me that feeling where I walk away saying "That was so much fun!" versus the more common feeling as of late, "That was okay."