I know this sounds kind of like a silly question but if you could choose a specific utility and pick an astrological sign to best fit it in your opinion which one would you choose?
For me, I would say Vergo would be a good fit for NSTAR because the power line construction is always kind of rugged and overly build i.e. many insulators and suspension rings on their subtransmission lines and tuns of ariel spacer lines on their distribution system for garentee protecction. I would probably think Gemini best fits Detroit Edision because they kind of have random off the wall sloppy kind of pole construction that seems to be put up last minute with recycled insulators to save extra money. Same with Consumer's Energy with using only two disks on the 46kv systems to save money. I guess leo best fits Otter Tail by the way the lines systematically have sub taps everywhere in almost very specific spots. I think Aries would be a good fit CL&P because many of their poles and routs seem to be planed well and organized. I would say Georgia Power is kind of like a Cancer with their sort of flippant pole construction with distribution poles that always seem to change styles one pole after another kind of like a person who's emotions are always constantly changing. I would say DPL is kind of Taurus like because Taurus's like to indulge and many of their distribution poles definitley indulge when it comes to crossarms, drop lines, and brackets as if they were having more fun compared to other utilities when making their poles.
Why kind of astrological sines would you choose for specific utilies?