... und hallo auch an alle anderen! Danke für eure Besuche und die vielen netten Kommentare, und auch danke für all eure tollen Bilder die ihr mit mir teilt! Und nun gehts auf zu den nächsten 10.000 :-) Liebe Grüße, Manuel
13 years ago / 720 visits / 1 comment
Danke für eure Besuche und eure lieben Kommentare, ich hoffe ihr werdet immer mal wieder vorbeischauen. LG und schöne Schneetage, Manuel
14 years ago / 748 visits / 1 comment
Kaum denkt man, einen könne nichts mehr schockieren oder desillusionieren, schaut man eine äusserst spannende und gut durchdachte Krimi-Reihe und ist wieder um ein paar mehr seiner Illusionen beraubt... Aber was tut man nicht alles um realistisch zu bleiben ;-)
14 years ago / 883 visits / 6 comments
Hello, just when I finished my first part f examens my diploma thesis started to keep me so busy that I barely get my private works done. So no photos the next time from me, even when I take some from time to time. See you soon though, Manu
14 years ago / 726 visits / 2 comments
Hi, my first two exams are passed and I'm a 1/3 physicist now, jippi :-) So now the practical part can start, should be much more fun. And also that means that I will have much more time for photography from now on :-) See you soon. Manu
14 years ago / 642 visits / 2 comments
Hi everybody, a moment ago I just discovered that i got 5000 visits. Thanks to every visitor for your interest, I hope you enjoyed my pictures and will come back some time :-) Greets and all the best, Manu
14 years ago / 567 visits / 1 comment / 1 person likes
Hi everybody :-) Normally I prefer to speak through my pictures, but does anybody know what happened to the account of Kunterbunt? https://www.ipernity.com/home/148256 Maybe I missed something, but it seems to be just gone... Greetings and all the best, Manu
14 years ago / 521 visits / 2 comments
The visit counter on my page reached the 2000 today. Thanks for all your visits and comments so far, I do appreciate that very much!! Hope you will come back some time, even when my post frequency is a bit low in the moment. Thanks again and best whishes, Manu
14 years ago / 576 visits