Flickr To Profit From Creative Commons ...

Thanks to some friends in The Sunday Challenge for bringing this to the attention of members I thought it might be of some interest to others in the wider ipernity community, at least those who've not already heard about it:

"Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that Yahoo! will begin selling prints of 50 million Creative Commons-licensed images uploaded by Flickr users as well as an unspecified number of other photos uploaded by users that will be handpicked from Flickr. Images bearing a Creative Commons license that allow for commercial use will be sold as canvas prints for up to $49 each with no payments going to the image owners. Instead, Yahoo! will retain all revenues."

The full article can be found here:


The Intellectual Property attorney Kelley Keller, referred to in the full article, is spot on in saying: "This is a classic case of the letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law".

I imagine that most people that have marked their images for CC usage thought that it would be mainly: charities or voluntary organisations; small businesses or bloggers and the like that would use them.

And I suspect they thought they would be used for illustrative purposes not to line the coffers of Yahoo.

Having said that, there do appear to be many who are happy about this, but I suspect they will mainly be the ones that are participating in the licensed Marketplace as they will apparently earn 51% of net sales of Wall Art sold with their photo.

Whereas, those people whose images have been marked as Creative Commons will receive not one single penny/cent.

Other links you may find of interest if you want to know more:




Shuttering Yukon said:

To me it all seems wrong and immoral!
I am so glad I am right outta there.
10 years ago

Indycaver (Norm) said:

I suspect Barbie had to do something to replace the income lost when paying subscribers jumped ship. I never used the creative commons for my images any ways.
10 years ago

Valfal said:

Well, looks like another nice photosharing site ruined by Yahoo. If I had any photos in Creatve Commons, I would quickly take them out and copyright them again!
10 years ago

Clickity Click said:

Have always had mine copyrighted ... so glad ... but even that may not keep my photographs safe.
10 years ago