Helping Save Ipernity ...
Just thought you guys might like to know that I’ve been in touch once again myself with Team Ipernity regarding the difficulties they are facing.

In that message I’ve asked if they have considered the possibility of working with a small group of members to explore ways that they could perhaps assist them in securing the long-term future of the site.

I’ve also stressed that, in my opinion, there are many people including myself who are not only very enthusiastic about ipernity and believe it has great potential, but who would be willing to help them at this difficult time in any way they can.

Either by simply putting forward suggestions on how they think they can best achieve their goals, as many have already done, or by volunteering to give up some of their free time so that they can offer some sort of practical assistance.

Along with my initial comments I’ve submitted a separate document that not only goes into much more detail about ways I think members could assist them, but also outlines the other ideas and suggestions that I have about the problems facing ipernity. So, once again, the ball is now very much in their court.

Here’s hoping they choose to respond positively to my latest approach in a way that will clearly demonstrate to us all that Team Ipernity really are up for the fight!


StoneRoad2013 said:

Well said, Paul.

Certainly, there are a few vocal supporters willing to pay a little more - and propose other ideas.

From experience elsewhere, I would say that it is usually about 10% of "the members" who are vocal enough to actually state their opinions or and only about 1% will be active in some way towards running something. However, much of the remaining membership will follow along after the leading ones have set the example. Although it is not unknown for a very few people to resign / leave when subscriptions are increased - but these usually more than offset by new memberships, it must be said, in all fairness.
9 years ago

Clickity Click said:

I think you have laid out your thoughts very well Paul. I hope that Team Ipernity is open to the ideas and offers of willingness to help keep the ship afloat.
9 years ago

Shuttering Yukon said:

I wish I could also help in any way at all! I don't want ipernity to crumble
9 years ago

Valfal said:

Well stated, Paul, and I agree with everything you said. At this point the ball is indeed in ipernity's court. Here's hoping they are willing to engage us.
9 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

At the closed My Opera community, where I came from, there were group of volunteers fighting against spam. I understood some of them actually had right to some parts of database, being able to remove accounts detected as posting nothing but advertisements. And it worked! =)

A spam free social media community is a happy community ;-)
9 years ago

Gary Schotel said:

Don't want Ipernity to fold. That's for sure.
Let's do anything possible to keep this site going.
9 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha said:

Hi Paul I really admire your input and efforts to date to save the IP ship from going under.

1 The majority of members have agreed that an increase in yearly fee would be agreeable and obviously this would help with the overall financial income to operate IP.
Having said that I don't personally think that this increase in fees would not have enough impact to help IP survive into the future.

2 I think that the IP team need a CEO with great experience and knowledge on how to make IP bigger and better to achieve a much larger membership numbers..

3 I think that if IP could find the key that other Photosharing sites developed their sites to attract so many millions of members would be of great help.
For example the following top photosharing sites
Instagram 100 million, Snapfish 90m Flickr 87m Photobucket 50m Deviant 25m

4 If only we could figure how the above developed such successful sites. ~We would survive ~
My Battle Cry is "IF THEY CAN DO IT WE CAN DO IT" (Hopefully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
9 years ago

Pam J said:

Thankyou Paul... I can only echo whats been said but the others above.

For the past 4 years I have been part of a small team on another site doing a similar exercise.... Spam notifying.. brain storming etc. We look as if we will finally lose the fight... but its been a huge learning experience

I would be happy to help Ipernity any way I can. I want this site to thrive.

On a GOOD note.... I had positive feedback from Lea this morning on a Notification of an troll/spammer. I have been pleading with the Team to pay attention when Notified as the Mods havent been taking any notice.

I Notified last night.. and Voila a message from Lea this morning that the account was zapped and a Thanks. I thanked her !

ThankYOU for all you are doing... you can see you are well supported and rightly so !
9 years ago

autofantasia said:

Waiting For Christophe ...
7 years ago ( translate )